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Item Database - Veteran Healing Laboratory

Veteran Healing Laboratory Icon #259107 A healing device of the first order, it functions in all areas of Rubi-Ka and the Shadowlands. This device can be used once every 12 minutes. This laboratory can be upgraded two more times, and the next upgrade will require 1200 treatment to use, will heal for 3500 points, and will be usable once every 8 minutes.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, Tell Collision, No Drop, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Use, Apply Self
Patch 15.9.5 17.7 18.4.1 18.4.2
Change QL:
Value 3
Range 3 m
Mass 0.3kg
Attack skills
Adventuring 100 %
To Use User Treatment >= 1100 and
User In battle == 0 and
User Sitting == 2
On Use User Hit Health 2700 .. 2700  
User Graphics Effect #13600  
User Lock Adventuring 720s  
User Lock Treatment 15s  
On Activate Self AddSkill Treatment 3  
Self AddSkill Adventuring 3  
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