18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Cardiac Tissue Sample

Cardiac Tissue Sample Icon #144703 A sample of tissue from the heart of a mutant.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Unique
Can Carry
Patch 16.0
Change QL:
Value 1
Mass 0.2kg
RobB @ 2005-08-29 22:14
propably a Tradeskill Item for some Chemicals / Drugs - keep you Eyes open, when the 16.x goes for the Final release on all servers...
[Possibly a Drop at Foreman's Office]
Shinigami80 @ 2005-09-24 17:09
Drops at Foremans from some mobs in the Caves.
Also: and
There are Tradeskills processes possible as the Tradeskillwindow shows.

Possibly needed for a new Quest at Foremans.
janetis @ 2005-12-25 18:56
Drops from chemical vindicator , very good drop rate, so it's for a quest, but who give it , I don't know
janetis @ 2005-12-25 19:46
nvm, it drops from shadows
ananamie @ 2007-11-15 07:03
i wonder what this is used for found it in foremans from mutants ... hmmm suspicious :P
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