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Item Database - Damaged Security Clearance ID Card - Beta Clearance

Damaged Security Clearance ID Card - Beta Clearance Icon #99183 This ID badge was damaged when the original owner came to an unfortunate looks fairly similar to the Alpha clearance card..maybe with a little creative work you could use this to give yourself a "promotion".
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Unique
Can Carry
Patch 16.0
Change QL:
Slot none
Value 1
Mass 0.2kg
Atipyk @ 2006-07-03 23:29
anyone know what to do with that and the other foreman's items nodrop/unique ?
Anarchangelx @ 2013-01-28 05:05
With this and Alpha Clearance - id=258739 - in inventory, left click on this, which puts it on the mouse cursor. Right click on the Alpha Clearance card, to make it into a Beta Clearance ID - id=258784
This, btw, is the faster way to tradeskill anything, with rare exceptions; for example, combining the old health and nano kits
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