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Item Database - Kyr'Ozch Submachine Gun - Type 5

Kyr'Ozch Submachine Gun - Type 5 Icon #255472 This weapon is a marvel of Kyr'Ozch bio-engineering. This submachine gun uses a system much like the machine pistol, but in a slightly heavier configuration, allowing for modifications to make the weapon fully automatic. This weapon has been enhanced with a piece of Kyr'Ozch Bio-Material.
Flags Visible, Modified Description
Can Carry, Wear, Burst, Fling Shot
Patch 15.6.1
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand
Value 100000
Equip time 3s
Attack time 1.2s
Recharge time 1.2s
Range 25 m
Clip 50 - Energy ammo
Damage 245-385 (270) - Energy AC
Attack rating cap 2400
Burst cycle 2500
Initiative skill Ranged init
Mass 0.4kg
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Dodge ranged 100 %
Attack skills
Smg 100 %
To Equip User Expansion sets & Alien Invasion and
User Smg >= 2001 and
User Burst >= 1501 and
User Fling shot >= 1001
On Hit User Cast Glory 3% chance  
User Cast Glory 3% chance  
User Cast Glory 3% chance  
User Cast Glory 3% chance  
leite @ 2006-03-20 17:46
Seem to be a nice weapon to people that dont want spend points in Multi-Ranged ;)
Raveneffect @ 2006-07-21 21:47
Nice weapon for support profs to. Energy Damage benefits from the Energy Gloves and the low Burst Recharge is rather friendly.
Yakobo66 @ 2006-07-22 19:50
hehe i still would put ip into multi and have almost the same as 2 of these at once ;)
Gurudee @ 2006-07-31 05:44
Seems to be a realy popular choice for high end doc's...or at least I see quite a few using these.
But maybe they're just poor after forking out crazy $$$ for support symbs, and so a MBC is out of the question :P
stanton @ 2006-09-18 18:44
I'm sure the cost issue is a factor for many, but I and other docs I know use this beacuse even though the MBC is very nice, this gun is capable of more damage once you can get a ql225+ on. :)
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