Hilton @ 2004-09-01 19:17
Ylisar @ 2004-09-01 22:37
+30 dmg for 10 minutes while locking EE for 1 hour and -12k hp on bot?
Megabob @ 2004-09-03 05:59
12k heal, actually.
Ylisar @ 2004-09-08 01:42
oh, guess it could be usefull for saving bot in tricky situation then :P
Nasty to have EE locked for a hour though
Synarchon @ 2005-04-26 14:55
User must be Robotic Pet... great another f***up I could have used this as the rest of the A.I. trimmers are worhtless =(
noelephant @ 2005-11-20 05:41
I think this is a pretty dang useful trimmer. Its not something you would use all the time but I can for example, think of a few AI raid admirals who would have been dead if I had built this trimmer. :)
Snakebite @ 2005-11-29 12:03
Is this a tradeskill job?
What are the bits? Or where can I get one?
Winterzz @ 2005-12-11 08:39
tradeskill item... smelly liquid + trimmer casing
ladypz @ 2005-12-30 16:05
hmm...sorry to be st00pid, but can one get this to lvl 300, since highest trimmer casing is ql 200 in DB, and ya need the trimmer casing to be of 90% lvl range of the smelly liquid ?
Phracton @ 2006-01-16 17:10
If im not mistaken, the max ql you can do is 220, since the trimmer casing must be within 90% of the smelly liquid and the highest trimmer casing possible is 200. So a Smelly Liquid above 220 is useless concerning this trimmer.
McYoda @ 2006-11-16 16:54
QL 300 casings will be introduced in the patch 16.4.4.
kailii @ 2007-12-15 01:26
I don't know about QL 300 Trimmer casings, but the Yuttos in Penumbra (those who sell NCUs at high prices) sell the casing up to QL 220 i believe.
Just build a Trimmer from 233 liquids and a 216 casing.
kailii @ 2007-12-15 01:26
I don't know about QL 300 Trimmer casings, but the Yuttos in Penumbra (those who sell NCUs at high prices) sell the casing up to QL 220 i believe.
Just build a Trimmer from 233 liquids and a 216 casing.
Snakebite @ 2009-04-19 08:45
Were the 300 casings ever introduced?
darkphyre666 @ 2010-07-19 10:41
300 casings do not exist, and wont, but the 220 from yutto's can be used to make up to (max) a QL244 version of this item. bit late reply but yeah :)
Wisewise @ 2010-08-19 02:28
mdk0420 @ 2018-11-05 20:27
QL 300 casings were introduced during the shop changes. They are in the ICC version shops in the tradeskill sections.
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