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Item Database - Smelly Liquid

Smelly Liquid Icon #20412 This liquid smells funny. It might be useful, but nobody is quite sure.
Flags Visible
Can Carry
Patch current
171 (interpolated between QL 1 and QL 300)
Change QL:
Value 305853
Zustol @ 2011-04-06 08:58
picked this up in a city raid. what's it for?
Kalahaan @ 2015-03-18 13:34

heall pet "trimmer"
Smelly Liquid - shift+R click on - Trimmer Casing
the Smelly Liquid need to be +90% from Trimmer Casing, maxi ql 244 Liquid for a ql220 Casing
Trimmer Casing can be buy on RK up to ql200
or on Penu Yutto up to ql 220
Need 6x the QL from Liquid in Elec.Eng.

A ql236 heall my pet for 4718
Need 709 Mech.Eng and Elec.Engi. to use ql 236
Mech Engi skill locked for 3600 seconds (lock can be lower, depand from how mutch "-SkillLockModi" you have on your symb) .
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