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Item Database - Trimmer - Energy Damage Modifier

Trimmer - Energy Damage Modifier Icon #292755 This Trimmer is used on robot pets to change their settings, or 'trim' their performance.
Function: Temporarily changes the damage type of the robot to energy
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop
Can Carry, Use
Patch 15.6.1 18.1 18.4.11 18.8.53
Change QL:
Value 50000
Attack time 0.1s
To Use User Expansion sets & Alien Invasion and
User Profession == Engineer and
User Mechanical engineering >= 600 and
User Nano programming >= 600 and
Target 2 unknown and
Target Breed == Human and
Target NPC type == 95
On Activate Self AddSkill Mechanical engineering 3  
On Use Target Graphics Effect #45071  
Target Lock Mechanical engineering 300s  
Chat Text Electrical arcs crackle from the robot as the power systems overcharge.  
Target Cast Energy Damage Modifier  
Ylisar @ 2004-09-01 23:44
I can see 1 use for this actually, to use it in PVP on other engineers bots and crat boffs + perhaps some uses on robotic mobs.
wooshell @ 2005-12-11 20:44
Trimmer Casing + Charged Energy Core
houserocker @ 2007-04-04 09:45
A very useful trimmer. Because this trimmer "damages" your bot, you can use it to cancel calms in pvp, which will be the first thing NT, crats and traders cast on them. Instead of recasting the bot you can just use the trimmer to free it, saves a lot of time and many opponents don't expect it.
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