18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - BO-18 (Blue Offset)

BO-18 (Blue Offset) Icon #13313 The Blue Offset 18 was named for the blue steel of the specially treated barrel. The Blue Offset 18 is lauded as a marvel of modern technology.
Flags Visible, Has Energy, No Drop, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Burst, Fling Shot
Patch 15.6.1 18.8.53
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand
Equip time 0.5s
Attack time 1s
Recharge time 1.5s
Range 20 m
Damage 1-30 (18) - Projectile AC
Initiative skill Ranged init
Mass 5kg
Max health 20
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Dodge ranged 100 %
Attack skills
Assault rifle 100 %
To Equip User Assault rifle >= 16
On Equip User Modify Max health 20  
Demolitions @ 2005-08-19 18:44
can it be upgraded more? or how can i get rid of it?
Regidik @ 2005-12-28 04:15
You can get rid of any NODROP items by holding down the right-mouse button over them and selecting delete.
Yakobo66 @ 2006-06-21 21:07
lol use this at lvl220 because of no AR cap
Xira @ 2007-02-09 16:10
I would get a MTI UMP-22 instead. It hits harder and is fast as well
Rikumelenium @ 2007-05-29 18:22
just imagine if these newb island rifles had full auto.....endless bullets of death >< everyone would have them lol
robapril @ 2007-06-03 05:20
with 3000 Attack Rating against a target with no AC's....

BO-18 (Blue Offset)
Your critical hit will be 408 points.
Your normal hits will vary between 9 and 255 points.
Over 10 seconds you would do about 1254 points of damage.
You would score 4.8 normal, and 0.2 critical hits.
The damage done by normal attacks would be 715 points and 539 points would be special attacks.
Guitardude57 @ 2008-12-27 07:41
rofl, 220....
Vigos @ 2012-02-04 10:46
If this gun's classification is correct (melee, unless its a typo on auno's part) then you can use Flurry of Blows while still having this equipped. If you are REALLY broke, this gun doesn't need ammo, doesn't need to reload, has fling & burst, and at 1000 AR, 250 extra dmg from buffs, and 50% crit chance you'll be doing about 2.5k dmg. Not bad for a QL1 weapon :)
Twinkaholic @ 2012-06-28 00:10
Pfft, if this had FA it'd hit 15k everytime because it has unlimited ammo :P
Vigos @ 2012-11-03 09:49
Your critical hit will be 589 points.
Your normal hits will vary between 524 and 524 points.
Over 10 seconds you would do about 4834 points of damage.
You would score 3.5 normal, and 1.5 critical hits.
The damage done by normal attacks would be 2718 points and 2116 points would be special attacks.

Froob 200 Solitus Soldier
AR: 1050
Init: 1231
Target AC: 10k
Agg/Def: (full defense)
Add. Proj. Dmg: 520 ( + soldier buffs
Crit: 30% (4% base + 1% equipment + 1% coffee + Universal Vulnerability Compendium)
Fling: 844
Burst: 925
Digitalkillr @ 2013-11-25 15:50
This is not how FA is calculated
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