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Item Database - Kyr'Ozch Bio-Mechanical Computer

Kyr'Ozch Bio-Mechanical Computer Icon #247798 This Bio-Mechanical Computer is used for controlling the Kyr'Ozchs battlesuits, but it might have other uses besides that.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count
Can Carry
Patch 15.6.1
Change QL:
Value 10000
Mass 0.2kg
Auterri @ 2005-03-18 11:36
Dosen't seems to be working just like regular Bio-Mechanical Computer... any one... ?
davidchiou @ 2005-04-30 11:59

From: Hildegaard

You use it to make Regular structures into Superior structures

Same function as buying the bio-mech AI from bazzitt and adding it to a mutating biopulp, just a cheaper alternative.
phaetonXIII @ 2010-03-06 01:03
not quite, it doesnt mix directly with mutating pulp. apparently there is another step first but I cant find it >.<
Stigman @ 2010-11-02 19:36
You just combing this with your Regular Stryucture to get your Superior Structure
Stigman @ 2010-11-02 19:37
*doh* my kingdom for an edit feature :/
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