APathetik @ 2004-08-15 17:23
where does this drop and are the shroud's (of artillery/infantry/ect) tradeskilled from it?
APathetik @ 2004-08-15 17:27
ok...further research shos it don't seem to be related....but seems to be same as shroud of the revoked in all but apearance
Sypiken @ 2004-09-14 17:09
This is just abaut... N I C E
Sypiken @ 2004-09-14 17:34
WoW, just noticed the lovely skill lock modifier... UBAH! Stygian with 7 sec fast attack time? Neh, couple of symb's to get 5? Wee, cant get lower then 5 if i remember right... Ubah armor... =D
Banansniffer @ 2004-10-05 11:12
except that it requires Int to wear which isnt funny for an atrox Enf/Trader, so no atrox enf/trader twinks with this baby ^^
Enfo @ 2004-10-31 03:02
Where you get this? I'm trox, but can try.. ^^
Ephram @ 2004-11-07 01:17
I think it's a CoH drop, but I'm not sure who drops it.
APathetik @ 2004-11-15 20:52
got it on my trox enf at 113 w/o even breaking a sweat...he had 380+10 from pistols+30 from eggs+20 from nueral stim
APathetik @ 2004-11-15 20:53
ack...my point being...I got it on w/o even gunning for it...i would think that one could get in it easy at level 80 or so if you imp'd and maxed int/CL as best as possible
APathetik @ 2004-11-15 21:07
and btw, i like it much better than any tank armor i can get on (and i can get any tank on w/o level restriction over 130) I will prolly wear the veil till 190 when i swap to HNT - dumb as it sounds, its accually not that bad (or MNT if i come cross one)
Verganas @ 2004-11-21 18:50
cloak of the revoked+cerubin spirit thing makes this
pacman-swe @ 2005-02-24 12:43
adams @ 2005-06-02 21:11
This is all good, but the important thing is: Does it look good? That other CoH robe (Necromancer?) looks like some clothing from a mental hospital, wouldn't wear it no matter how good it may be... ;-)
luminous @ 2005-06-18 08:29
can agents FP as trader or enf and use it?
lcidw @ 2005-06-22 08:15
Yeah.. didn't you see the VisualProfession instead of Profession?
ustonton @ 2005-08-04 14:29
doesnt look at all :(
Thullbane @ 2005-08-29 21:03
It says "Skill Lock -5" but didn't do sh*t for my FA or Brawl with my Pained Panther.. no difference whether I had it on or not. Anyone else have this problem?
Raquish @ 2005-08-31 07:32
wtf they said Flad --- Visible :S its invisible loll
Afireinside @ 2005-09-08 22:13
Thullbane, Skill Lock has no effects on Weap Specials. Should never have, happend as some kind of "accident". (At least that's what I was told)
Zenthula @ 2005-09-12 01:58
what DOES skill lock affect then? your first aid stims?
Kawasaki @ 2005-10-03 10:26
first aids, treatments
Neverest @ 2005-12-07 02:16
Skill lock working on weapon specials was removed before summer 2004.
Deetwo @ 2005-12-19 14:19
skill lock modifier affects items that have "skill locked on use: xxx".. i.e. first aid, treatment, dot rings, etc things like that... Or is supposed to, never tested anything besides treat/firstaid
Binary @ 2006-02-12 18:01
ok the link far above was broken so i didnt get to know whereto get this or how to make this
could anyone post a new link or just tell us how to get it?
makabey @ 2006-02-21 23:56
bartje @ 2006-03-22 18:08
really nice and free 8)
bartje @ 2006-04-03 16:26
too bad my enf only have 211 intel at lvl 134 =//
Gart7 @ 2006-08-25 00:16
Im lvl 110 and i made this thing today. I want it on!!!
Ilenzaci @ 2006-09-02 18:41
nice thing is it is visual prof, an agent can fp trader or enf and hehe UBAH!
Gart7 @ 2006-09-08 22:03
Got it on at lvl 114 without eggs and intelligence/complit guns. (im froob)
malewerecat @ 2006-10-20 23:39
Got it on my lvl 100 Fr00b Nanomage Trader. And can easily keep it 100%
Eggs/glasses/Krutt assault 219 waltzing queen special/Support implants/Trading mogul buff.
zavvualon @ 2006-11-03 14:01
for 100 enf, this is still better than notucomm (and noone makes 100 enfs, too)
leite @ 2006-11-24 02:18
Awsome item, pwns black clan
Gurudee @ 2007-01-08 07:17
Great option for Agents.
Yeah, the Pelisse looks the shiz, but this thing has it's merits too.
DarkScribe @ 2007-02-19 03:54
Just got it on lvl90 trox enfo. 2x Beyer pistols, 2x VTE, ql150-160ish imps. 2 Perks in Enhanced DNA and 1 in Genius. (i just dinged 90 so i had a perk to play with, and 1 already in E DNA.) and a mix of Sekutek and Nova Dillion.
Kaazam @ 2007-12-22 16:44
wearable at lvl100 on froobie solitus enfo?whick items should i get to put it on?
myr3n @ 2008-03-11 02:05
whats best for an enfo, this or ancient container?
GruzzyFunt @ 2008-04-04 22:07
Im shootin to get it on at 60.
agpecko @ 2008-05-29 18:37
I just got it on at 74 last night.
Solitus Trader,
Sukutek, Dillon armors. QL125 imps. NS, CompAtt, O.E.T. Jess x2, VTE x2, Ofab Trader Helmet, Genius Lv:1 and Enh. DNA perk Lv:1 (Could have gone higher on both of these). CL Exp and +160 buff.
Sotilas @ 2008-07-29 19:50
Done at 51 by NM trader...
darkphyre666 @ 2008-10-06 03:59
just got it on at 60 nm trader froob :)
lukatz1 @ 2008-12-04 02:21
ok is this a better chioce than Perfected Alien Tank at level 60 for totw twink? the stats look a little better but is it worth the hours of twinking required to get it on.
Metaltech @ 2008-12-18 15:04
i have 480 complit and 284 int, it will be OE 75%, what bonuses will be lowered?
reids @ 2009-01-12 16:16
only the ACs (and probably the skill lock modifier)
Any skill you can put IP into, can't go OE on armour etc.
Nukeclearia @ 2009-01-29 03:04
I think Special attacks locks that specific skill... not 100% sure tho, Anyone can make sure?
Khione @ 2009-02-25 23:29
Just managed on a 73 agent without VTEs. Not anything easy, but doable nonetheless.
gergiskoo @ 2009-03-02 04:12
@lukatz: this kicks the crap out of the perfected alien tank. if you can put it on, more power to you.
Ciekafsky @ 2009-09-07 13:50
PATA gives AR (and nano), this one gives mostly evades but notucomm gives even more. Veil is just poor mans notucomm, or evade toy before lvl 100.
Therrito @ 2010-12-08 04:57
Spirit Tech Circlet of Cerubin + Cloak of the Revoked = Veil of the Revoked
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