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Item Database - Panther

Panther Icon #21141 Shadow dancer.
Flags Visible, Modified Description
Can Carry, Wear, No Ammo, Fast Attack, Brawl, Dimach, Parry, Parriable
Patch 15.5 18.8.53
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand
Value 2309857
Equip time 1s
Attack time 1.25s
Recharge time 1.25s
Range 3 m
Damage 75-550 (75) - Radiation AC
Attack rating cap 1000
Initiative skill Melee init
Mass 2kg
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Evade close 100 %
Attack skills
2h Edged 100 %
To Equip User Profession == Enforcer or
User Profession == Meta-Physicist and
User 2h Edged >= 751 and
User Fast attack >= 376 and
User Brawl >= 451 and
User Dimach >= 151
On Equip User Modify Nano pool 20  
Yace @ 2004-05-06 18:58
Better as CC for Twinks, much better then CC o.O
Ltes @ 2004-08-23 22:44
better...but harder to get on at lvl 60...think its possible tho. *Sighs* i wish i had that much free time :)
Sypiken @ 2004-11-24 16:31
Easy to get on at lvl 60 with the right perks. ^^
Frozenguard @ 2005-05-22 18:53
though it is very hard to get compared to it's stats
marian @ 2005-06-05 21:39
where i get this, in coh
GOD @ 2005-07-27 00:22
how much is this worth? i've seen ppl selling pained panther for 6m and people selling these in player shops for 30-40m...
0.O @ 2005-07-28 10:59
really? i got one ql 100 but i see people complaining that i am selling it for to much and i sell it for 20 mill
Frozenguard @ 2005-07-28 22:42
Then you are not a businessman...
Doktorfarlig @ 2005-09-19 15:53
Well good luck puting thah on you lvl 60 twink ;)
mesu @ 2005-10-26 14:58
ql 100 sells for 55m to 80 mill in player shops

and not such a hard twink to get on at lvl 60 if u have both ai and sl perks ^^
Datagutt @ 2005-11-10 20:48
whats the recharge times on specials?
Unkala @ 2005-11-11 14:12
Brawl: 15 seconds.

Fast Attack: 15 X the weapon's base Attack delay, minus 1 second for every 100 Fast Attack skill you have. At least, that's how the damage simulator here is programmed.

Dimach: Not sure of the formula, but the 1.0s/1.2s Tiny Dirk on noob island takes 30 minutes.
Niquen @ 2005-11-21 16:58
Hey apart from buying it, where can i get a panther???
Etang @ 2005-11-22 05:36
Kplayona @ 2006-01-04 01:16
Okay ql 101 sells for 8mil from people 102 sells for 6 103 sells for lower and it just keeps going like that but since ql 100 is the rarest if u try to get it at Coh u will understand ;P it sells for 25 30mil never seen any homo buy it for more but if u buy it for more u got riped of or your just loaded ;)
Kplayona @ 2006-01-20 13:09
q-Qualto @ 2005-08-16 04:19
I wouldn't pay more than 10m for a ql 100 panther

then i guess u won't be holding one in your atroxes hand ;)since the minimum it goes for is about 20 mill so if u wont pay 10 mil take ur head out of ur ass and start saving ;)
Msauss @ 2006-03-20 14:41
pfft, why buy it? Get your uber main out and go gank those shadows!
noir1991 @ 2006-04-14 06:52
thinking of getting one for my enf-but does mongo-ing around the cenobite shadow's area affect them ?
Rapt0r @ 2006-05-09 13:24
yes it does... but only if there's a shadow who can be affected^^
Respawn 1 hour...
kady @ 2006-05-10 20:51
cool wepone byt hard to get on lvl60 . will try my best ! :D
danexpan @ 2006-06-06 15:04
relatively easy to get on with ql 140ish imps and silken legchoppers, also a few perks would be handy ;) this and Enf T1 pwns totw...
ltdan @ 2006-06-07 23:53
which mob drops this again?
noir1991 @ 2006-06-17 18:03
cenobite shadows lt
Gjprovider @ 2006-07-29 23:05
which perks exactly
reids @ 2006-08-05 23:08
Ive worked out i can just about get this on my 60 Enf, just trying to get an extra 32 CL to get the damn legchoppers on..
Twinkywinky @ 2006-12-02 14:25
got it on at lvl69 w/o any perkreset, the hardest part was running for buffs and find someone who can make imp's:(
AKrulz @ 2007-02-08 12:28
i'm lvl 65 and at lvl 67 gonna equip panther:D
Jinzost @ 2007-02-10 07:07
Rapt0r @ 2006-05-09 13:24
yes it does... but only if there's a shadow who can be affected^^
Respawn 1 hour...

spawn time is 30 min...

neway why couldn't they make this look cooler? I mean i saw someone twinked this in totw and it wasn't like "O COOL U GOT A PANTHER!!!" it was like "oh, is that a panther?"

playaslaya @ 2007-03-26 14:15
^^ this was easy for me to put on ^^ my lvl 60 enforcer kicked ass with it but i put it back in my main's bank and put two ql 125 and 120 mortiig beaters on my enforcer much faster with the attack XD i love my enforcer he got ql 100 and soon T1 on him >< just need a few more comp lit to get the parts together XD
lorddredd @ 2007-04-10 01:02
Just got a 100 Panther on a froob Enforcer at lvl 60. Have a paid account on which I made an enforcer twink
quite some time ago. It was quite easy to get on with perks (42 points of 2he from perks), but a different
story on a froob. Bottom line- you'll need to get 619 2he without wrangle to get it on and 601 to keep from
OE self buffed after all is said and done. I used QL155ish 2he implants plus 150ish str/stamina imps in
chest/leg for trickledown, Behemoth, Iron Circle, Expertises, Skill of the Viking, Dirty Fighter, Silken
Legchoppers, and I think one or two pieces of buffing armor for the last couple points of trickle down.
After all OBs were off, I ended up around 609 2he self buffed- enough to keep from OE. For back armor I
went with QL 115 Overtuned Medium Tank armor. Better AC and easier to get than GTA- also looks cooler :). Armor choices are limited for Froob- CAS or Mantis are probably best, other than Carb which is just too
common... Blitzed a set of 110 graft armor and made a set of CAS. Mantis might be better, but more
expensive and/or tougher to get in the exact QLs you need. All finished this guy is about as good dealing
damage as my paid account enf was, but with much less ACs compared to Tier1. After making the Froob, I took the paid enf and upgraded all his implants to 163ish, and upgraded to a 101 Panther. Quite a duo. Dual logged, the two of them can take down Aztur pretty quick :).

Interestingly, I bumped into another Froob enforcer with a Panther out at the temple who did it with 140ish
implants. I was puzzled how, since I just barely made enough skill with 155 imps. He mentioned using a "Long Slank" 2he weapon that adds 25 points of 2he skill. Once that was on he got wrangled and hotswapped for the Panther. I was unaware that you could hotswap like that, (learn something new every day :) although with those QL of implants you'd probably be OE on a froob after wrangle wears off.

And I agree with the poster up above- the Panther should look cooler :). For an uber
lorddredd @ 2007-04-10 01:04
For an uber Two-handed edged weapon, it's not all that impressive looking. It is cool, but rather small- You'd expect some kind of three foot long, space-age Klingon-ish battlesword thing. But no- you hold it in one hand and it looks like a fancy spatula or pancake flipper :).
Deathtank38 @ 2007-05-27 20:52
Interestingly, I bumped into another Froob enforcer with a Panther out at the temple who did it with 140ish
implants. I was puzzled how, since I just barely made enough skill with 155 imps. He mentioned using a "Long Slank" 2he weapon that adds 25 points of 2he skill. Once that was on he got wrangled and hotswapped for the Panther. I was unaware that you could hotswap like that, (learn something new every day :) although with those QL of implants you'd probably be OE on a froob after wrangle wears off.

Interiestingly, that guy is in my org (the red brother hood). He lent me the the slank and i got the panther on at 60 as a froob, my main being a 132 mp. Still at 75% though HOW HOW HOW do i get out of OE?!?!!?
Jodadda @ 2007-06-11 00:10
buy SL and get AI armor newb
Thebestidea @ 2007-06-26 01:52
Where should I go to camp this? I need directions starting at OA plz :)
jonjonz @ 2007-07-11 00:17
The economics of twinking makes no sense to me. Why spend resources that are many times greater than the payoff. Why spend time and money building a toon that can only then kill bosses who drop loot that is worthless to that toon? I think leveling is the only one true activity worthy of any player.
Deathtank38 @ 2007-09-18 06:03
its fun twinking, and the seeing the pay off, u could also get very good pvp titles and show of :D
playaslaya @ 2007-09-20 05:03

the setup for my new panther toon pretty easy with sl and ai perks i got it on with only two perks in reaver and ql 130 imps and all my stuff is 100% with self buffs :D
BrendanDark @ 2007-11-07 04:55 what lvl could I twink this on a solitus MP?
Vgman @ 2007-11-24 09:13
theres somthing wrong with you if you are using 2he wepons as an mp, stick to bow/1hb. better end game weps. (or so I here)
rico648 @ 2008-03-30 04:00
mp can get this on at level 60, howlet too.
requires +160 imps, cm, silken gloves, etc, the works. and towers i believe to stay non oe.
SyKSti @ 2008-04-23 20:34
What's the average price these days on RK1 for Pather ql100?
Esproc @ 2008-06-13 12:59
Just curious, has anyone done this at tl2 yet?
Esproc @ 2008-06-13 13:53
Nevermind, thought for a bit combined armor might make up for what you lose in buffs/perks/etc.
But it doesn't come close. Pity, would be an epic twink :/
rico648 @ 2008-06-15 23:34
actually it has been done at tl2
an enforcer could equip this at 49 easily
been done around 41 i think (but i really dont recall)
so for 49 all you need is cm or cc
silken gloves (easy)
and basically decent imps (+140)
i think the person said it was oe, or it was just a bit over, but its still possible
Evenhb @ 2010-06-03 21:37
Seen guys with this on lvl 60.
and that was his first twink
Makamae @ 2011-02-02 03:51
They need to change the look of this in game to a 3 foot long sword. I hate the "spatula" look.
tazerboy @ 2011-05-14 21:55
is this possible at lvl 60 for a froob?
Therrito @ 2018-04-26 06:05
I managed to get one on a 60 fr00b and it's not oe with self buffs.
He pretty much pwnz ToTW.
Therrito @ 2018-04-26 06:06
EDIT: He even managed to successfully defend a tower site against a 56 paid Enfo.
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