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Item Database - Meta-Cerebellum Ring

Meta-Cerebellum Ring Icon #151933 This fragile spiritech ring imitates and influeces certain functions in the part of the brain that is called the cerebellum. It also speeds up regeneration of cells destroyed by various types of energy attacks.
It's probably a good idea to try and build some kind of cover for the ring, or maybe some kind of pocket to protect it inside.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 15.4
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Head
Value 160000
Equip time 0.1s
Mass 0kg
To Equip User Expansion sets & Shadowlands and
User Computer literacy >= 1500
On Equip User Modify Strength 6  
User Modify Stamina 6  
User Modify Energy AC 400  
User Modify Radiation AC 400  
User Modify Melee energy 12  
User Modify 2h Edged 12  
User Modify 2h Blunt 12  
User Modify Shotgun 6  
User Modify Assault rifle 6  
User Modify Matter metamorphosis 6  
User Modify Biological metamorphosis 6  
User Modify Brawl 12  
User Modify Full auto 12  
User Modify NCU memory 12  
Helaa @ 2004-09-01 15:45
Wo kann man diesen Ring finden oder welcher Mob droppt den?
Where can I find this ring or which mob drops the item?
herodotus2 @ 2004-11-02 14:53
This item is part of a tradeskill process to make a much better item. Details here :
noir1991 @ 2006-07-21 18:47
omg nice ring +12 2he 6stam/str!!
Mindori @ 2006-08-10 00:22
It's not a ring...
jeycihn @ 2006-12-31 09:41
drops from anansi's left hand in Inferno afaik, from my quest involving left/right hand, small support team required, mezz/calmz needed for the roaming spiders and quest mobs all over.
mr_no_skill @ 2011-07-16 11:47
Please note, this is NOT a ring!
Type: Armor
Slot: Head
Also as far as I've seen the drop rate isn't spectacular. Killed both the hands about 20 times now and have yet to see the mesh or this thing.
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