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Item Database - Poison Darts of the Deceptor

Poison Darts of the Deceptor Icon #100313 The 'Deceptor' followed no other agenda than his own. That eventually led to his downfall, but his poison darts design lives on.
Flags Visible, Use Empty Destruct, Has Energy, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Use, Eat, Stackable, Apply Hostile
Patch 15.2 15.3
Change QL:
Value 120000
Attack time 0.1s
Range 25 m
Clip 10 - 0
Mass 0.1kg
Defense skills
Dodge ranged 50 %
Attack skills
Sharp objects 100 %
To Use User Profession == Martial Artist or
User Profession == Adventurer or
User Profession == Enforcer or
User Profession == Meta-Physicist or
User Profession == Shade and
User Sharp objects >= 1250 and
User Character state == 10 and
User Expansion sets & Shadowlands
On Use Attacker Hit Health Poison -800 .. -1000  
User Lock Sharp objects 10s  
On Activate Self AddSkill Sharp objects 3  
Nilspils @ 2004-08-13 18:15
What is this?
Valcure @ 2006-11-16 00:47
ql250 & shadowlands....defintly has to drop from Zods
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