poypoy @ 2003-09-07 17:03
did anyone know wher i can find those gun ? and if MR requirement gonan be modified in next patch ?
thx for any information :)
piquebide @ 2003-09-07 22:00
they are available as mission rewards
Joykill @ 2003-09-27 03:58
These guns rocks completely when dual wielded! I wont go back to my Manex ever! :-)
deltaforce @ 2004-01-07 15:18
LOL say that in SLs
ubermas @ 2004-02-25 00:35
>LOL say that in SLs
I supose they suck in SL? have been thinking of getting 2 of these on, 10s burst *drool*
DJKiDFnKy @ 2004-05-14 09:00
nice to use on rk IF you have a ton of IP in pistol, garbage in SL.
Shelt @ 2004-11-25 01:57
Yah, I've tested them in the ShadowLands and I did like less damage than my jarring burst. Terrible, and of course no crits.
Xira @ 2007-06-11 17:40
Clip 8 :S
myr3n @ 2008-04-14 16:45
still good? should i trade my dual bbs for this?
Vabla2 @ 2008-05-28 01:46
Used to be great. The BBs made these obsolete though.
Binarybot @ 2011-08-28 10:52
Still can be great. Blitzable, fast burst, max damage and crits higher than BBB's, though slower so less defensive. Good in a team situation, questionable while soloing. Used this and Pain of Patricia pre-SL with good results and fling for added damage.
Definitely an IP sink and not good against anything with lots of AC (mercs, anything in SL), but definitely a froob friendly option (pistol doesnt interfer with SMG and doesnt wipe out shining nanoskill like ranged energy does). Combined with Pain of Patricia, they have the same model with different colors. Also equipable sooner than BBB's, so you could give it a try and reset pistol later if it doesnt suit you.
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