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Item Database - Burst Out

Burst Out Icon #117927 Will increase Runspeed and Criticaldecrease on the caster with massive amounts for a short period of time. When the Nano times out, the caster will have his NanoAC and Defensemodifiers debuffed for a short period. His Treatment and First Aid will also drop. This nanoformula is typical good to use in situations where you need to escape from something or someone.
Flags Buff Nano, Want Collision
Can Apply Self
Patch 15.0.1 15.4 17.6 18.8.53
QL 185
Crystal Nano Crystal (Burst Out)
NCU 20
Nanocost 1840
School Psionic: Agent bailing nanos
Duration 7 seconds
Attack time 5s
Recharge time 5s
Range 15 m
Effect icon Icon 117738
Stacking order 3
Attack skills
Sensory improvement 50 %
Psychological modifications 50 %
To Use User Psychological modifications >= 1017 and
User Sensory improvement >= 1017 and
User Profession == Agent and
User Specialization & Third and
User Level >= 185 and
User Expansion sets & Shadowlands and
User 824 not running
On Use User Modify Run speed 1262  
User Modify Critical decrease 30  
User Status Fighting, Movement  
User Resistance Snare 40%  
User Resistance Root 40%  
User Resistance Calm 40%  
On End Nano User Cast Burst Out  
User Cast Cooldown  
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