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Item Database - Symbiosis

Symbiosis Icon #239053 The effect of this Special is a increases damage buff
Duration, 60 seconds
Recharge, 2 minutes
Can Use, Apply Self
Patch 15.0.1 17.6
Change QL:
Type Perk action
Value 1
Attack time 1s
Range 1 m
Mass 0kg
To Use User Sublime Rapport 10 trained and
User Sublime Rapport 10 not locked and
User Wielded weapons & Piercing
On Use Chat Text You successfully perform Symbiosis.  
Team Cast Symbiosis  
User Lock Sublime Rapport 10 120s  
Mohamed @ 2008-03-17 01:05
Why does it say symbiosis stacks on each other, but recharge is longer then duration...doesn't make sense at all
Satertek @ 2008-08-02 01:46
If there are more than 1 shade in team I guess
Hydrojen @ 2008-08-23 05:16
If there's one shade in team, it casts the first Symb... two shades, they'll both have the second Symb, three will have the third Symb, four or more shades in team will have the top one.
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