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Item Database - High-Quality Cyber Body Armor

High-Quality Cyber Body Armor Icon #22089 The cyber armor is lightweight, made with the Homo Nano in mind. It is built as an exoskeleton and pretty much carries its own weight, which makes it comfortable to move in. Also, the protection it provides depends on nano-bots and sensors, connected to the nervous system of the user for highest possible data transfer rate. The higher quality versions of the cyber armor can also gather and use information directly from the user’s senses. High psychic ability is needed to keep the suit operational, and high intelligence is required to be able to actually utilize its functions.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 11.0 11.4 12.5 14.7.1 18.8.53
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Body
Value 951722
Equip time 0.1s
Mass 10kg
Max health 200000
To Equip User Intelligence >= 301 and
User Psychic >= 276
On Equip User Texture Body 9410  
User Modify Projectile AC 525  
User Modify Melee AC 525  
User Modify Energy AC 525  
User Modify Fire AC 375  
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