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Item Database - Chip of the Eight

Chip of the Eight Icon #43118 An advanced transformation chip, using nanobots with a chemical base and an integrated retinal interface for achieving the best results.
NOTE: You cannot use this chip in areas with low gravity.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop
Can Carry
Patch 14.9
Change QL:
Value 360
Mass 0.2kg
To Use User Profession == Fixer
HunterX @ 2003-12-31 11:36
.. what for ? What do you do with this thing?
hukk @ 2004-03-09 19:57
It's used to make the Lock Pick of Eight
tg602 @ 2005-07-23 12:24
What happens if you use this?
RobB @ 2006-05-14 15:35
+bomb disarmament tool creates
Xaerro @ 2006-09-17 16:39
It has a 25 % drop rate at eight brood champion...
Therrito @ 2011-02-14 00:42
I want! :-D *drool*
Therrito @ 2012-04-10 07:53
I went to a HI raid today on my 200 fr00b Fixer but it never dropped *cry*
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