Nhoel @ 2003-10-03 04:08
Where do these drop?
Teiji @ 2003-10-22 13:31
Presumeably off something at Hollow Island. I would assume it's not among the easier bosses.
Gnap @ 2005-02-06 17:31
10th Brood Champion drops them
Xaerro @ 2006-09-17 16:45
Yes...very nice gloves..i wouldnt mind having a piar of those :)
Ryugu @ 2006-10-07 00:24
obsolete now.
LotusEnfo @ 2006-12-09 00:47
AI gloves for froobs basically :P
Nukerized @ 2007-07-07 22:59
Or for someone who can't afford ai armor ;)
Dollcet @ 2009-06-21 09:59
Had luck rolling , now my Froobsoldier "Gunpowder" is wearing them .
monk13 @ 2010-03-05 12:20
every attack skill except ma
Darth_Trader @ 2010-09-08 18:39
Not every they also missed AS :(
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