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Item Database - Engineer NICS

Engineer NICS Icon #158233 NICS stands for Neurological Impulse Combat System. It's a gadget fresh from the labs of the Jobe Association of Metatechnology Explorers (JAME).
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Unique
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 15.0.1 18.8.53
Change QL:
Type Utility
Slot Hud 2
Value 36000000
Mass 1kg
To Equip User Intelligence >= 850 and
User Profession == Engineer and
User Expansion sets & Shadowlands
On Equip User Modify Intelligence 4  
User Modify Pistol 9  
EldarZach @ 2005-11-02 04:32
Where do you find this?
noelephant @ 2005-11-15 14:52
You can buy it from one of the shops on the top level of Jobe. It costs 28M or so depending on your computer literacy.

Its a handy little item if you have some extra cash. :)
Scabadus @ 2009-04-12 20:50
It beats setting fire to money, but honestly when are you ever 4 short in intelligence and/or 9 short in pistol and can't afford to level once or twice? 2-4 Million for kiting you two levels, or 28 Million for this. For me, that isn't even a desision.
Kingduck @ 2009-10-26 22:23
it's obviously only a twinking item, not for leveling people to have as a handy extra, unless they have plenty of money to spend
Nook1e @ 2010-08-03 11:25
when 4 int or 9 pistol short? Say a s10 engineer with amep and no tower sites? 9 pistol is huge at that level.

Not to mention if you are missing just 4 points of int at 220 for your alpha before you got a lot of other stuff
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