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Item Database - Turn Spirit of Retrogression

Turn Spirit of Retrogression Icon #131268 In Pandemonium the Unredeemed had a camp for prisoners of war. When the following incident happened it contained more than 1200 Redeemed prisoners. The one to release them all should be Esyten-Ghama, the most remarkable agent of her time. She let herself be captured, and immediately in the camp she started the process of getting them all released.
She was a master of disguise, concealment and manipulation. She smuggled weapons in and got keys for both gates, she drugged the guards and jammed their ranged weapons. She produced false orders that sent the camp leaders away on the night the prisoners escaped. It all sounds like a fairytale, but this really happened. Of all the prisoners that fled, only 9 was killed, and 5 Unredeemed guards died too. Esythen-Ghama became a hero of her own people, and the Unredeemed set up many prizes on her head. Both happenings forced her to change her identity - to be able to continue doing her work. Though, before she changed she lent an essence of her spirit to make this appliance, that can turn one of the weapons of the Unredeemed against themselves.
Flags Visible
Can Carry
Patch 15.0.1 15.5
Change QL:
Value 100000
Mass 1kg
To Use User Faction == Clan and
User Profession == Agent
ruah @ 2008-01-05 22:09
To use with Sancrosanct Rifle + Grey Glyph of Shere +Turn Spirit of Retrogression = Rebellion Rifle
last known price = 240m-300m for the spirit
ruah @ 2008-01-05 22:10
for the sancrosanct or inmorata + glyph builds
Ipwn @ 2011-05-02 23:31
WTB on RK1 !! paying well, send tell to Ipwn, thank you.
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