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Item Database - Barret R-06 A-M Sniper

Barret R-06 A-M Sniper Icon #33158 A rare find in the Anti-Material series, the R-05 was originally made for use with Police Snipers.
Flags Visible, Modified Description
Can Carry, Wear, Aimed Shot
Patch 14.9 15.0.1
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand
Value 417647
Equip time 1s
Attack time 1.7s
Recharge time 1.7s
Range 25 m
Clip 100 - Energy ammo
Damage 30-120 (180) - Cold AC
Attack rating cap 1200
Initiative skill Ranged init
Mass 4.8kg
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Dodge ranged 100 %
Attack skills
Rifle 100 %
To Equip User Profession == Agent and
User Rifle >= 218 and
User Aimed shot >= 109
On Equip User Modify Perception 12  
User Modify Dodge ranged 18  
User Modify Concealment 12  
Evercast @ 2003-11-16 22:35
Have this Rifle ever dropped? Never seen it on shopping nor ingame.
hannobal @ 2003-11-19 11:31
Rare dynaboss loot.
Comebacktime @ 2004-06-02 23:35

A QL 50 one aint worth more then shit!! :p
Sypiken @ 2004-10-20 21:17
=P I remember that this used to be one of the best low lvl agent rifles in game. Peren changed it all.
Morthoseth @ 2005-01-12 13:03
Though a little bit slower, the reqs are lower than the peren and this does cold damage. Still not too shabby for an very lowbie agent.
chewy1 @ 2005-09-22 03:38
ok guys, the barret is a GREAT froob lowbie agent twink. BUT if u guys got exps, go with the peren.

Shiare @ 2006-03-18 20:01
You know one thing I really hate about the AO community is some people have the arrogance to automatically think that everyone has expansions, is a twink, has a lvl 100+ toon or has millions of credits. The fact of the matter is that just because you may fit one of those categories doesn't mean the average player looking for a good weapon does also. Therefore, this weapon might be shit to a player with shadowlands or is a higher level, but please keep in mind and consider that someone may only be lvl 35, not have a rich alt, not have a level 100 toon, not have expansions and is basically a froob. Therefore, this means this is a damn awesome gun for those types of people. Sorry, but I'm seeing this stuff all too often. It kills me to hear someone say go get X gun becuase it's better, yet a person is a froob and the gun you claim is better (even if it is) is a Shadowlands only weapon or you need to be super twinked or rich to use or get the weapon.

This is a damn good weapon for the appropriate player and actually rivals as one of the top 10 weapons for a given level.
Engelen @ 2006-07-24 04:40
It's the secound best for agent. And if you are poor your only to blaim urself. When I came back to AO 3 months back I didnt have any highlevel chars or any money atall. Anyone in this game, froob or not, with a lvl 10+ character. Can make 10-20 millions every hour of play with a little effort. Either thru tradeskilling or farming rare items. I know of froobs wearing robust backpack, dchest, 2 GOC's and 15% ELLTS's at their MA's.

If you are lvl 10+ and reading this. Blitz a few concrete cushions, kill a few bosses for CRU's. Kill for monsterparts, make it to blood plasma and sell to mapshop or get a trader to sell it for you.

Look around for rare nano's, rare ID's, rare weapons. In this game money doesnt come without work. It's not supposed to either. Thats a very good thing about it in my eyes!
BefouledRK2 @ 2006-08-27 18:57
Good point Engelen, I played as a froob for over a year and amassed most of my income then between tradeskilling carb, (which about 157k for the hardware to make it for your engi on rk2, easy to make with mission loot) and making level 10 characters to look for "Robot Instruction Disc (Improve Crushing Weapons)"... a few of those and youve got millions to spare for a froob.

Farming IDs (instruction disks) is a fantastic way for froobs to get serious cash amassed. Hunting Blubbags just southwest of the OT whompa in broken shores for example nets GA1 disks (Grid Armor MK I), on RK2 at the time of this posting, fetches about 19m as the instruction disk, about 20-25m in nano form.

GA2 drops from the claw camp just north of omni entertainment. Also dropping there is Nullity Sphere instruction disks... the GA2 disks will fetch about 40mil+ :)

For higher level froobs, get in on a Tara raid up in Camelot in Avalon.. I see that "Copy of Excalibur" is about 125 million on the open market... tons of good loot from it :)

Missions are dull at times, but they do pay the bills. I dont go into a mission without at least 6 backpacks empty on me.. I loot everything... my 135 engineer does level 180ish missions and i can sell those 6 backpacks of junk at the shops for about 10+ mil in some cases...

Foremans in the Longest Road is a backpack fillers dream... with 16 backpacks you can make about 2.5 mil an hour selling dropped loot, as some of the guards there drop up to 8 items ive seen... alot of armor and weapons, alot of notum fragments (hint hint, CAS Symbiotic armor stuff, always in demand) all sorts of goodies.

I admit it took me a bit to get the hang of farming, but once you do a vast income potential is available to froobs... Ive gotten as many as 3 GA1 disks in a week of blubbag erradication...
Krustyleet87 @ 2006-12-25 13:05
imo, this gun is even better than the Gripo, which is used by many f00b agents, and only goes to lvl 50.

Just looted a 48, w00t!
Twinkywinky @ 2007-02-03 15:48

Copy of the excalibur drops in the Shadowlands and you can only go to Tarasque raid(if you want something from the loot), if you are over 205, but theres still a lot of adventure if you are froob, i suggest you making a ga fixer, imo it's an "endgame choice" for froobs.I played enough with AO, so i think ordering expansions wasn't a mistake.
sander1 @ 2007-04-20 17:10
got this on a lvl 15 agent nice for pvp xD
Helmholdz @ 2007-07-20 23:11
It's a great weapon for lowbie froobs, it had decent speed and great power with a large magazine.
guendeli @ 2007-09-07 14:39
@Twinkywinky( tha strong 21 trox agent??)
on RK2, u can go to tara raids from level 150
kilabot @ 2008-02-17 14:08
i just got a ql42, gona equip it lvl 5 if i can, if not that then 10 easy
Cppthis @ 2009-01-05 20:24
Any idea how a critical volley from this stacks up to triple-crit gripo?
epicthefail @ 2009-03-14 23:48
the perfect place to get cash is going around in totw and kill cultist's they drop 600 creds most of the time, and in like q hours you got maybe 1m

but foremans i great if you got many backpacks
Mastaoflimbo @ 2009-07-11 00:47
Buying one ql 40-50 on rk1 pst to towahpowah
Anarchangelx @ 2010-03-06 08:00
To address the central point, rather than this tangential if potentially useful discussion of moneymaking:
The most valuable comments, as people who read comments rather than only write them already know, are, X item is better, whereupon you can search for X and decide for yourself. If you are froob, then you are used to going to X and finding it is SL, whereupon you have to start again.
So, yes, there is a scarcity of fully useful comments, that give the best options for both expansion and froob, and cheap alternatives.
For example: so, Perennium Sniper is the best weapon for Sloobs after this one. But what is the best froob weapon? Yatamutchy has more rave reviews than any other I have seen so far. Superior Yatamutchy X-3 Counter-Sniper Rifle:
kilafiremage @ 2010-03-23 19:44
ubar for 9-15 agents. especially if u wanna go dodge range setup with fp enfo for max AR :)
Digitalkillr @ 2013-01-24 07:08
like you could get enough dodge ranged to dodge anything worthwhile at that lvl
kilafiremage @ 2015-05-02 21:05
maybe you should try it just sayin. cause obviously you have not
hannobal @ 2016-11-15 10:32
I'd like to see a QL200 version, 120-480 (720).
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