sendron @ 2003-04-08 10:22
Hmm.. drop location?
snakeyees @ 2003-05-16 06:49
No data on this yet please if you have any info /tell snakeyees
Sypiken @ 2004-09-28 01:10
Dont think it is in game... Atleast ive never seen it and those are pretty old.
Zyp0c @ 2005-02-10 19:43
So, my beutifoul plan off wearing these on my twink is screw'd.
Xira @ 2007-05-14 20:13
I found one once in the omni forest when I was a little newb. sold it for 400k...
Xira @ 2007-05-14 20:15
Dropped off the chirops in there. Havent found any since, even after 3,000 kills
Vladja @ 2008-10-15 12:56
I got 3 drops, only looted one because of Unique tag shamefully, from Primordial Chirops in EFP between the Diamondine Soldier and Mercs Camp.
Vanitra @ 2009-01-01 02:19
Yes, drops from Primordial Chirop's in EFP around the Diamondine Soldier.
Shinigami80 @ 2009-01-21 23:19
Found it on Primordial Chirop in Belial Forest today.
Ats @ 2010-10-12 04:06
I looted Chirop Exoskeleton Wing Mesh from Remains of Primordial Chirop.
SE EFP Pos: 2121.7, 1174.1, 18.8, Area: Eastern Fouls Plains, Central Area.
GOOD LUCK Treasure Hunters!
Suggesta @ 2013-02-21 05:14
Found mine on the edge of the forest just S of Diamondine Soldier
/waypoint 1897.2 1154.9 620
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