kungfu @ 2005-09-28 18:01
how do i make this?
Glargh @ 2005-10-01 04:11
You find it off Waste Collectors (interestingly enough). Just found one right now looking for something else.
RainFrost @ 2005-11-08 20:15
usually you find some while hunting the parts for the alvin/dodga quest part 1
GS059 @ 2007-08-08 00:00
I remember a while back getting one on noob ile.. but does it drop there anymore?
bugi @ 2008-03-04 16:40
At least dropped still in 2006 iirc, and can't see a reason it wouldn't still. But it also drops from same type mobs in other places. Got one couple days ago.
Blaumann @ 2008-04-15 14:41
Nope, Noobie Island loot tables have been changed years ago, no Alvin/Dodga parts anymore, no low lvl dmg rings, no tmtts, along with the revamp of the Isle and the new quests.
Esproc @ 2008-11-29 21:49
Yeah, noob island is a barren wasteland since the revamp.
copperneedle @ 2009-01-10 17:27
noob island will be dropping nice things again. WTB seeing this thing.
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