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Item Database - Abyssal Desecrator

Abyssal Desecrator Icon #204827 ...the path back to Paradise is lined with the bones of my enemies. Their screams soothe me during the long nights, when I dream of what I have lost. I laugh when I recall their writhing anguish, their groveling to please me, the hope that their suffering will be put to an end. But I feed from their anguish and the begging look in their eyes as they grovel at my feet, hoping for a cessation...
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Unique
Can Carry, Wear, No Ammo, Fast Attack, Parry, Parriable
Patch 14.7.8 14.9 15.0.1
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand
Value 1
Equip time 1.8s
Attack time 2.8s
Recharge time 3s
Range 3 m
Damage 233-666 (0) - Energy AC
Attack rating cap 1200
Initiative skill Melee init
Mass 13kg
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Evade close 100 %
Attack skills
2h Edged 100 %
To Equip User 2h Edged >= 1065 and
User Fast attack >= 941
On Equip User Modify Max health 75  
User Modify Energy AC 140  
LtBurlap @ 2003-04-29 14:48
im guessing this drops in the Inner Sanctum? anyone actually got one yet? how does it compair with a QB/EQB?
chaosgyro @ 2003-05-20 01:18
Yes it drops in the inner sanctum. I'm guessing that as the counterpart to the Stygian Desolator that it will be held by the final boss of that dungeon. However, seeing as how the inner sanctum has yet to be implemented due to bugs no one has it yet.
megasajan @ 2003-08-15 01:48
Enhanced Queen Blade
Your critical hit will be 3947 points.
Your normal hits will probably vary between 1857 and 4149 points.
Over 10 seconds you would probably do about 6354 points of damage.
You would score 1.34 normal, and 0.15 critical hits.
The damage done by normal attacks would be 4354 points and 2000 points would be special attacks.

Note: These numbers depend also on your enemy's level and skills and also on my chance of getting these formulas right.

Abyssal Desecrator
Your critical hit will be 1598 points.
Your normal hits will probably vary between 699 and 1998 points.
Over 10 seconds you would probably do about 5737 points of damage.
You would score 4.06 normal, and 0.45 critical hits.
The damage done by normal attacks would be 5386 points and 351 points would be special attacks.

Note: These numbers depend also on your enemy's level and skills and also on my chance of getting these formulas right.

But Whats with PvP,no one knows it,yet!!!!!!
megasajan @ 2003-08-15 01:56
Better for PvP (speed) is the Deso,for Mobs (are you lv 200 or 220 in SL) is the EQB the best.

Thats what I think,but a QB/EQB is easy to get it,but the Deso...........,everyone knows what I mean,which was in Room 3 to kill the boss(es)!!!!!!!
Gng @ 2003-11-28 22:37
666 dmg roxxxor
Tryallbyfire @ 2004-01-19 19:48
Hey Im a newb so please forgive me, but does this thing look exactly like stygian or is it any different. What do you think, which is better this or Frost Bound Reaper? i bet ths wont even get an answer... Either way I need help im a keeper level 53 now....
Miniforce @ 2004-01-30 01:35
the FBR is good and easier to get, but this thing takes the cake in the 2he category. It looks identical to the Desolator and people do have it.
Miniforce @ 2004-01-30 01:38
the permafost isn't too bad either
wages @ 2004-03-09 18:01
so who has it?
Tubby @ 2004-12-30 04:38
I got one and it sucks! Slow FA recharge, shitty dmg in PvP. Not worth anyone but the weapon collector's time.
Serturos @ 2005-01-11 20:21
lol, gimmeh it then :)
donger @ 2005-08-19 18:17
its just the big brother of stygian desolator and has the same shortcomings:
1.low min damage
2.only useful on RK
3.just for looks
PoLaK2 @ 2006-01-27 01:50
doesn't Hezak drop it?
donger @ 2006-03-11 00:20
yes he does, along with an assortment of other phatz such as the Permafrost
Yakobo66 @ 2006-06-13 21:29
and the IS healbook im guessing?
noir1991 @ 2006-07-12 16:43
cool collector's item rofl
wooshell @ 2006-08-20 03:07
For hecks it's equal to a 180ish updated KyrOzch sword (230 base mindmg), but has lower 2HE requirements and is easier to get. On RK it's even far superior than the Kyr sword because of the double maxdmg. The only downturn is the high fastattack req.. or rather the lack of good buffs for that ;)
Ginsumaster @ 2006-09-09 00:01
Nowadays this is pretty much obsolete... however, for the reqs it still does better damage than just about anything out there. Twink one of these on a 130ish 'trox Keeper and the results will be grand. It's just not really worth the work unless it's part of a twink setup, since the MBS is absurdly low for how much 2hE it requires.
Stimpack @ 2006-11-16 11:11
how fast is the fast attack recharge on this one ? think deso was quite fast...
Dollcet @ 2008-03-01 07:29
@ Stimpack
around 40 sec with about 1 k Fastattackskill
Jornado @ 2008-03-05 20:28
if they added a DoT proc on it similar to styg it might start to be useful again...say 10% chance of a 150-300 point/tick DoT or something and speed up the FA recharge on it.
remember @ 2009-08-14 11:52
Is this better than a pained panther?
Nukeclearia @ 2009-09-16 22:31
Remember I'd say it's not but... Question still remains.
imsobored121 @ 2013-04-24 10:53
i know thats an old post but....
no its not better then a pained panther
no crit, no brawl, slower
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