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Item Database - Eyemutant Eye

Eyemutant Eye Icon #144708 This is an intact Eyemutant Eye. It is an ugly blend of biology and technology. It contains the laser weapon that the Eyemutant uses - hidden under layers of skin and flesh.
Flags Visible, Tell Collision, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Apply Friendly, Can't Split
Patch 14.8 18.8.53
Change QL:
Value 300
Mass 1.3kg
V05 @ 2003-04-08 18:33
How do i turn this into a Eyemutant Orb Laser?
Xuronus @ 2003-06-25 10:16
i believe you combine a drum of hydrochloric acid with it, then use an all-purpose Quantum tool on it. Requires chemistry and mechanical engineering. Might try to make one for myself, though i'll need to find someone else for the chemistry part, because my engineer hasn't found any useful application besides this...
eXXa @ 2006-01-15 04:18
where do i get this thing in ql 170+??? dont have any idea because aowiki says the biggest eyemutants are lvl 130 oO?!?
Onkelfabi @ 2008-12-05 02:52
higher lvls u can get in west-avalon or just do a high-lvl rk-mish.
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