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Item Database - Undamaged Roller-Rat tail

Undamaged Roller-Rat tail Icon #144710 The tail of a roller-rat
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, Tell Collision, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry
Patch 14.5
Change QL:
Value 200
Mass 0.2kg
jayjeckel @ 2002-10-23 04:31
what do you do with this item?
EvulPerson @ 2006-11-22 08:24
According to the Tradeskill Kit, its useless (0 processes), and worthless. but hang on to a few, maybe Funcom will have something to do with it later.
Vgman @ 2008-06-08 08:41
its used in a start up quest (dunno about omni/neut) and i think in getting the gsp shirt but somone would have to double check me on that one
Anarchangelx @ 2010-03-26 08:08
Tirbo Ratcatcher, West of West Athen, in the vicinity of 325 x 360, seems to wander a bit and can be pulled by opposing faction of course.
Reward is level-dependent armor up to level 20, also the max level for quest, largely redundant with Newcomer's Armor but might suit new players especially neutrals. And it can be sold for cash.
Anarchangelx @ 2010-03-26 08:15
Both this item and Undamaged Piece of Rubbery Rollerrat Flesh also drop from the ICC Shuttleport rollerrats, and they are of course in no short supply and respawn often.
If you are pursuing the Rollerrat upgrade for Carbonum, especially if you want multiple upgrades for multiple levels of Carb, an ICC 'mule' to Xfer / separate account trade would save a lot of running around deserts.
Anarchangelx @ 2010-03-26 08:17
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