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Item Database - Engineering News: The Improved Solar-Powered Pistol - Book 3

Engineering News: The Improved Solar-Powered Pistol - Book 3 Icon #37961 By Oren Portello
Thanks to 'Storm' for contributing with valuable assistance during the period I've been researching this subject. Remember the golden rule: Using components of roughly the same quality is always a benefit.
6.-Solar-Powered Engineer Pistol-
Sometimes ideas hit you like lightning. This happened to me one day as I searched the body of a deceased Slayerdroid. Sometimes you can find a thing called a 'Experimental Nanobot Classifying Computer' on them. As I held it in my hand I knew at once what it could be used for. Earlier in the day I had found one of those nanobot jars while doing a mission for some unspecified employer. Filling the energized nanobots from the 'Mist Filled Jar' into the nanobot containment chamber of the 'Experimental Nanobot Classifying Computer' I managed to turn it into an 'Energized Nanobot Transmitter'. I could hook my 'Solar-Powered Machinist Pistol' onto this and get the 'Solar-Powered Engineer Pistol'.
7. -Solar-Powered Master Engineer Pistol-
Again, an improvement was discovered while researching a completely different project. This time I was trying to find a way to accelerate the speed of the individual NCU instead of using the cumbersome recomplier. The process is as follows: Use the 'Nano Programming Interface' to re-program the 'Nano Formula Recompiler'. You get a 'Re-configured Nano Formula Recompiler'. Now get some skilled person to use a 'Lock Pick' on a normal type of 'NCU Memory' to disconnect it. Connect the 'Re-Configured Nano Formula Recompiler' with the 'Disconnected NCU Memory' and get an 'Accelerated NCU Memory' - which should speed up the time you use to run nano programs from the NCU.
The next step can be a difficult one. What you need to find now is a 'Crystalized Medusa Queen Hippocampus'. This is a singular part of the medusa brain that seems to work in symbiosis with nanobots. Merge the 'Accelerated NCU Memory' with the 'Crystalized Medusa Queen Hippocampus' to create the 'Symbiotic NCU'. You will understand how once you have the parts needed. Finally attach your 'Solar-Powered Engineer Pistol' to the 'Symbiotic NCU' and get your 'Solar-Powered Master Engineer Pistol'.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Use
Patch 14.6 18.0
Change QL:
Value 450
Mass 0.2kg
On Use Float Text Let us get to work.  
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