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Item Database - Notum Saturated Metaplast Shell

Notum Saturated Metaplast Shell Icon #163352 This metaplast shell has been naturally saturated with notum through long-lasting contact with the earth of Rubi-Ka.
Flags Visible
Can Carry
Patch 14.4.2
Change QL:
Value 1000000
Mass 2kg
clownss @ 2003-02-07 01:23
were do i find this??
tartaran @ 2003-05-24 01:48
Yes, where do we find this?
Prodigy01 @ 2003-07-31 07:20
This is rare ql, nice indeed.. how much? I heard it was going for 75m somewhere?
Where can i get one?
Pyros_15000 @ 2005-08-13 10:42
You get it from scooplet, diglet and mole mobs in the forest south of 20K. Apparently. Very rare though :-(
Feydakin @ 2005-10-26 22:06
I've literally spent days and weeks camping Scooplet/Diglet mobs to try and get some, all to no avail. This stuff is rarer than GA disks apparently. The armor must go for a fortune...
wooshell @ 2006-01-04 20:40
High QLs are available from Eremite mobs, most notably those around Sapling.
Megamanmegas @ 2010-06-25 23:14
These are also in The Collectors loot table, although trying to get a specific item from him is like looking for a specific grain of sand in newland desert =P
Megamanmegas @ 2010-06-25 23:14
These are also in The Collectors loot table, although trying to get a specific item from him is like looking for a specific grain of sand in newland desert =P
bronz @ 2010-12-16 05:51
Pretty rare, although less rare than the 1/100 that people claim. Helps to have the "side" map upgrade as Diglets and such are omni (thus blue), and it helps to be clan to just tab onto them. Thusfar I've found about 10 peices in the forest south of 20k from ql 39-78 and made armor.
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