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Item Database - Unfinished River Seasons XP

Unfinished River Seasons XP Icon #29116 This gun is part of River's 'Designer Series'. It is made by Ulyssa Walker. The blurb on the stock goes: 'When I moved to a terraformed world, I did at first enjoy the controlled weather. There was sun all day, rain all night, and there were no winters. As the years passed I started missing the unpredictability of the weather on a non-terraformed world. When I was invited by River to 'their' world, to do the design on the XP, I was pleased to discover that the planet was only slightly terraformed. Watching the season cycle and enjoying the wind, rain, and chill has been refreshing. For this reason I named this gun 'Seasons'.
Flags Visible
Can Carry
Patch 14.4.2 15.8
Change QL:
Value 402900
Mass 2.2kg
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