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Item Database - Carioso Menthol Pseudo-Coffee Block

Carioso Menthol Pseudo-Coffee Block Icon #156510 'Jorge Carioso re-invented the classical kitchen'. Many would disagree with this claim, but the number of sold Carioso products speaks for itself. The 'Menthol Pseudo-Coffee' is an amazing invention. Not only does it make a convincing imitation of the coffee taste, but the menthol after-taste is even more fresh than real menthol, and it stays for more than 20 minutes.
Flags Visible, Unique
Can Carry
Patch 13.6 18.8.53
Change QL:
Value 4
Mass 0kg
joshua512 @ 2008-10-27 05:05
Is this item Useless or what? Is this a Useful to the Crat since they seem to be the Office Jockey's?
jphn37 @ 2008-12-21 07:07
It's used to make the Miyashiro Superior Coffee Machine. See
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