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Item Database - Notum fed nano-enhanced biotechnology

Notum fed nano-enhanced biotechnology Icon #156559 Rubbery, rather lifelike blob netted with small veins. A flow of blue fluid is discernable in the veins and you can occasionally see a flicker of movement as the nanobots slide back and forth in the matter.
Flags Visible, No Drop, Unique
Can Carry
Patch 13.4 18.8.53
Change QL:
Value 400
Mass 1.2kg
On Create Chat Text Wondering how you are going to fit this into the already alien looking concoction, you suddenly notice a flash of hectic nanobot activity surrounding the strange looking tubes. Before you know it, the tubes have been integrated completely into the glowing mass of 'something'. You are not sure if you particularly like this development and with a certain amount of scepticism you tug that very 'something' into your backpack and continue your hunt.  
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