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Item Database - Gripo-Com AKR 1K20

Gripo-Com AKR 1K20 Icon #21146 Gripo-Com's universall-standard assault rifle since 23020, the CZ-8020 (known as the AKR 1K20) sees use on many small planets as a rugged, reliable offshoot of the Kalinkalov line. It is also available with a fixed stock and a variety of barrel designs.
Flags Visible, Modified Description
Can Carry, Wear, Aimed Shot
Patch current
41 (interpolated between QL 5 and QL 49)
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand
Value 83035
Equip time 2s
Attack time 1.18s
Recharge time 1.3s
Range 30 m
Clip 8 - Bullets
Damage 4-69 (210) - Projectile AC
Attack rating cap 826
Initiative skill Ranged init
Mass 9.5kg
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Dodge ranged 100 %
Attack skills
Rifle 100 %
To Equip User Rifle >= 179 and
User Aimed shot >= 91
Skerg @ 2003-05-16 21:19
Where do i get this?
Skerg @ 2003-05-16 21:28
nevermind .. rolled it
Cyfer @ 2005-03-15 16:43
Is this damned rifle still ingame? I need one plz /tell Cyfeets
on RK1. TY.
Keex @ 2005-08-02 16:58
yes it is, can even get it in shops
PeteFox @ 2005-09-05 13:51
Getting the QL 50 in shops must be hard....Got a 45 on my lil agent =) Get him total concentration and boom baby!
furay @ 2006-03-11 15:26
use caterwauls untill you can get the crit buffs
andyzweb @ 2006-03-25 00:14
What makes this gun so good for agents, unless you have lots of crit buffs isnt this worthless, (however i have a QL50 crat rolled several of these and FDA's they all sold for like 150k-200k, not complaining)
Shiare @ 2006-04-02 11:28
Well in my experience, this gun is real nice on the normal criticals and the AS criticals rock too. The speed really helps as well. the downside is the normal hits are a bit low, but when in a team and you don't want to pull aggro from the tank, it's a pretty good gun to get consistant damage with enough criticals that you'll get in some big damage without drawing all the aggro. By the time your criticals pulls the mob, the low normal damage you do afterwards allows the tank of the group to pull aggro right back. Combine this gun with the MA critical buffs and the agent concentration buffs, will give you garuanteed criticals as well. So it's not worthless, it has it's uses, it's a team Pvm weapon in my opinion.
Rapt0r @ 2006-07-30 03:10
nice attack rating cap....
Damefix @ 2007-11-08 09:13
I have lots of these. Pst. Gaspu on RK1
Shadowslave @ 2007-12-05 17:33
I have 3 agents (yes I'm alt obsessed) and I always use this up until I can get that first Perennium Sniper on. Also good for twinking Agility for equipping implants and armor.
Cppthis @ 2008-05-29 05:10
Fabulous lowbie pve gun, mediocre damage per hit but very fast recharge.
tazerboy @ 2011-10-30 03:35
wtb ql 46-50 rk1 tazerman tazer1 or tazers my main ones
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