Xyboc @ 2004-04-06 01:25
Drops from the Final boss in the Crypt of Home.
Orichalcon @ 2006-01-24 23:19
oh how I want this.
Orichalcon @ 2006-08-09 22:56
oh how I have this. ;)
Damefix @ 2008-06-17 16:36
This at level 1 twink... Hrrr...
phaetonXIII @ 2009-03-01 21:49
Damefix @ 2008-06-17 16:36
yea it can be done at level 1 I bet, but what can a lvl 1 honestly due with the tskill buffs? The only thing I see helpful is +5 complit, but everyone else manages to find that somewhere else
Scabadus @ 2009-04-14 05:08
A level 1 engie could get a better trimmer for their bots...
picsl2 @ 2009-12-10 04:58
carb armor? CAS armor, Pawn Borker Armor for a trader, TS Gold and gems and such to make more money...... engie can get there pistols on sooner....etc etc....and ur not gunna be level 1 forever and TSing is pretty lucrative at all level ranges since the new patches have been coming out.
thebubble @ 2012-06-09 15:40
if u twink to get it on a lvl 1, i doubt that u will level anymore >.< lvl 1 twinsk ftw :D