olezero @ 2005-08-23 15:32
weeeeeell ! nice damage buff ! :p
Luto @ 2005-08-26 16:08
Nice? I sure hope you meant that sarcastically, considering all the other top-of-the-line weapon buffs do +7-+13 damage...
Why does FC hate Meelee Energy so much? Nerfed damage mods, nerfed weapons, virtually NO perkline at all, hardly any weapons... Couple skill increases in perks, not a single special. Lame...
Kyai @ 2005-10-12 23:29
I think he's refering to the fact that this nano stacks with other weapon buffs for that little bit extra damage. Nice for all the add dmg junkies out there :)
Melee energy perks would be nice, but apparently that would make weapons with split ARs able to use two perklines, or something. Pity because the Myr Melee Energy weapons do more dmg than their regular Kyr Counterparts, and check Duck-Exp too. :)
olezero @ 2005-10-22 07:34
well.. my point was to "overlook" the melee energy part ;) and brag aboute it beeing a nice damage buff. sarcasm ofc. :P
keraf @ 2005-12-17 20:20
where can i find this nano?
enzy203 @ 2006-01-23 08:13
is this buff self only and if not do u have to b over lvl 195 4 it 2 b casted on you
Shojumaru @ 2006-01-31 19:01
Dyna nano.
Stacks with the normal 2HE buffs, so you can use the split req weaps and buff both this and the 2HE buff, use the Reaver line, and be happy.
OMG_ITS_ME @ 2006-03-06 00:54
I think Melee Energy is used for either the Mortiig Beater or Creezoch hammers. Aside from the perks and stat difficulty it isn't too nerfed if you have a good weap for it.
errr @ 2006-05-15 20:26
mmm, 50 NCU for 5 damage more. Not worthwhile...
sacralith @ 2006-08-26 09:10
I love everything about this nano. I love the fact that the Instruction Disc (A DCSD containing 1 BBI Minami-90 Sticky Love Rain) makes this nano and that id shouldn't even exsist. I love how it takes more ncu than any other rk nano. For the record, I don't see the point of the nano but I love that too.
zerogates @ 2006-12-04 22:40
ok if you have ncu problems at 195 plus you are gimp. also it stacks with the other weapon buffs and if you are using a weapon with melee energy then you don't have to worry about this buff not stacking. lastly who knows what weapons are coming out with LE.
Gurudee @ 2006-12-30 15:05
"lastly who knows what weapons are coming out with LE."
Well we do now....
and the answer (in terms of meele energy weaps) was a big fat nothing :(
bloodwraith @ 2007-02-14 06:43
No melee energy weopon with expansion
kajah @ 2007-08-07 00:09
"OMG_ITS_ME @ 2006-03-06 00:54
I think Melee Energy is used for either the Mortiig Beater or Creezoch hammers. Aside from the perks and stat difficulty it isn't too nerfed if you have a good weap for it."
errr mortiig beater? first of all, tiig beater is 1hb, and second, no one who can cast this nano would use tiig beaters
biancha @ 2010-07-25 03:31
lightsabre nano ^_^
githyan @ 2011-12-12 18:14
This nano-line has such cool names.
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