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Item Database - Book: How To Create A Nano Crystal

Book: How To Create A Nano Crystal Icon #136328 There are 2 parts to a nano crystal - the physical crystal and the coding for the nano program.
The process for creating the coding is:
Combine the Instruction Disc for the nano program with the appropriate Symbol Library (which Symbol Library you need to use depends on the school of the nano program). The quality level of the Symbol Library must be 25% or higher than that of the Instruction Disc (ie for a QL 100 Instruction Disc, the Symbol Library must be at least QL 25). This results in a Compiled Algorithm. This process requires Nano Programming and Computer Literacy knowledge.
Combine the Compiled Algorithm with a Photon Particle Emitter. The QL of the P.P.E. must be 50% or higher than that of the Compiled Algorithm. This results in a Programmed Photon Particle Emitter. This process requires Nano Programming knowledge.
The process for creating the crystal is:
Find a piece of Carbonrich Rock. Use a Jensen Personal Ore Extractor on this rock. The QL of the Jensen P.O.E must be 25% or higher than that of the Carbonrich Rock. This results in a piece of Carbonrich Ore. This process requires Mechanical Engineering knowledge.
Use an Isotope Separator on a piece of Carbonrich Ore. The QL of the Isotope Separator must be 50% or higher than that of the Carbonrich Ore. This results in a Pure Carbon Crystal. This process requires Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering knowledge.
Use a Neutron Displacer on the Pure Carbon Crystal. The QL of the Neutron Displacer must be 50% or higher than that of the Pure Carbon Crystal. This results in a Program Crystal. This process requires Mechanical Engineering and Field Quantum Physics knowledge.
Combine the Program Crystal with the appropriate Crystal Reflection Pattern. The type of Crystal Reflection Pattern that you use will determine the school of nano program coding that will be able to be stored in the crystal. A crystal that received the Combat school Crystal Reflection Pattern would only be able to store Combat school nano programming. The QL of the Crystal Reflection Pattern must be 25% or higher than that of the Program Crystal. This results in a Prepared Program Crystal. This process requires Electrical Engineering and Field Quantum Physics knowledge.
Finally, combine the P.P.P.E. with the Prepared Program Crystal. The QL of the Prepared Program Crystal cannot be lower than the QL of the P.P.P.E.

Flags Visible
Can Carry
Patch 12.8 14.4.2
Change QL:
Value 3000
Mass 0.1kg
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