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Item Database - Search Results

Nano formulas
Crat Mezz Wait Up -1 52
Curse of Chronos 14 52 795 723 met
Empowered Disjointed From Reality 209 52 1554 1551 bur
Boooh -1 53
Crat Mezz Wait Up -1 53
Empowered Contemplation 212 53 1688 1685 bur
Boooh -1 54
Boooh -1 54
Boooh -1 54
Crat Mezz Wait Up -1 54
Crat Mezz Wait Up -1 54
Crat Mezz Wait Up -1 54
Crat Mezz Wait Up -1 54
Disjointed From Reality 175 54 807 807 bur
Empowered Chaotic Mind 215 54 1822 1819 bur
Empowered Divided Ego 219 54 2001 1997 bur
Implosion -1 54
Living Embalming 175 54 818 bur
Pr0n0unc3m3nt 0f Sl33p1n3ss 172 54 824 747 adv
Paralyzing Eremite Venom 390 55 769
Stamp of Authority -1 55
Electrifying Containment -1 57
Contemplation 189 58 874 874 bur
Crat Mezz Wait Up -1 58
Telepathic touch. -1 60
Warr Cry -1 60
Warr Cry -1 60
Frozen Flesh -1 75
Massive Detonation -1 100
Mech Hack -1 100
Stunned by Brawl -1 100
Empowered Bewilder 106 106 500 500 nan
Specialized Bewilder 106 106 500 500 nan
Empowered Project Calm 129 129 900 900 nan
Specialized Project Calm 129 129 900 900 nan
Empowered Discourage Involvement 204 204 1350 1350 nan
Specialized Discourage Involvement 204 204 1350 1350 nan
Empowered Peaceful Intentions 215 215 1800 1800 nan
Specialized Peaceful Intentions 215 215 1800 1800 nan
Corporate Betrayal -1 220
Traitor to the Cause -1 220
Gaze Upon Immortality -1 250
Kneel Before Immortality -1 260
Curse of Nematet -1 300
Curse of Nematet 300 300
Power Bolt -1 998
Purify -1 998
Searching! -1 998
Searching! -1 998
Shocking Blast -1 998
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