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Character Database - Txczeleny

Dimension Rimor Character face
Level 143
AI Level Newcomer (5)
Breed Atrox
Gender Neuter
Profession Keeper
Faction Clan
Guild RimorTech Electronics and Chemicals Corp
Rank Applicant
Leveling graph
Last update: 2012 Aug 21 - Last change: 2009 Oct 27
Character history
Date Level AI Faction Guild
2009-10-271435ClanRimorTech Electronics and Chemicals CorpApplicant
2009-10-241425ClanRimorTech Electronics and Chemicals CorpApplicant
2009-10-201245ClanRimorTech Electronics and Chemicals CorpApplicant
2009-10-171125ClanRimorTech Electronics and Chemicals CorpApplicant
2009-10-011075ClanRimorTech Electronics and Chemicals CorpApplicant
2009-09-24905ClanRimorTech Electronics and Chemicals CorpApplicant
2009-09-14615ClanRimorTech Electronics and Chemicals CorpApplicant
Txczeleny in other dimensions Atlantean - Rimor - Die Neue Welt