18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Damage Calculator

Damage estimate Slayerdroid Claw
Your critical hit will be 2136 points.
Your normal hits will vary between 35 and 1090 points.
Over 10 seconds you would do about 3456 points of damage.
You would score 4.4 normal, and 0.18 critical hits.
The damage done by normal attacks would be 2867 points and 589 points would be special attacks.
Special attacks
Attack Available? Skill value Modifier
Brawl N/A
Fast attack N/A
Sneak attack N/A
Dimach N/A
Fling shot N/A
Aimed shot N/A
Full auto
Weapon properties
Weapon name
Low damage Crit bonus
High damage Crit chance
Attack time Clip size
Recharge time
User properties
Att rating Initiative
Target AC Agg/Def
Damage add 0% 13% 25% 38% 50% 63% 75% 88% 100% AGG/DEF