Steeplerot @ 2007-05-06 05:28
My nanomage MP has one, sitting in stash looking uber as hell. =(
Gurudee @ 2007-05-11 05:14
Hoping to find one for my Enf.
Have seen DD logs of one in use, and considered wetting myself.
In fact, I might have, let me just go check. brb,
donger @ 2007-06-24 00:21
guru you seem to talk a load of shit, firstly a doc with a shark on..
now this doing massive amounts of damage. It will do the same damage as the wolf or bear..
Whitey @ 2007-06-26 16:28
not to mention it looks -sweet-
iliketopone @ 2007-11-08 02:07
to donger...i'd imagine this weapon does great damage, with the amount of brawl and fa to use for it i'd say that in any situation this weapon would pwn, regardless of it's 1.4/1.4 speed, i'm sure it hits 1/1 with all the inits that higher lvls have
Hydrojen @ 2007-11-11 02:38
This + Ofab Mongoose Mk 6 = awesome enforcer combo :P
sampiks @ 2008-02-01 15:50
rico648 @ 2008-08-13 22:15
for anyone looking at this future post
docs can not get d-shark on w/o exploits.
not sure bout this, but d-shark is a good 2-300 full auto points away from a reality.
badsoca @ 2008-11-27 18:59
ofab mongoo mk6 + this one on a soli enfo = uber?
Fetch911 @ 2008-11-27 22:47
good weapon but i have to admit iv seen better ...........
badsoca @ 2008-12-21 03:14
@ getch911
What wep is beter In the 1hblunt line?
evangoth @ 2009-04-10 19:12
managed to get one on my froobie enf 4 when i making it paid ^^
to bad you need LE to show it in social :(
AKrulz @ 2009-08-13 15:59
it looks easy to get on doc.... with xan and proly without xan would be posible too with towers
AKrulz @ 2009-08-13 15:59
Mazzarin @ 2009-12-18 18:00
@AKrulz: you can't swap it with those pistols, can't have both ranged and melee equipted :P
AKrulz @ 2010-07-25 15:20
my bad tought still easy to trickle those stam/str points
Danathos @ 2010-12-09 21:29
Got it on my enfo @ lvl 200
Esproc @ 2011-03-20 06:01
A pair of Excellent Concrete Cushion instead of those pistols leaves you only out a few points of str/stam anyway.
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