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Item Database - The fr00b T-shirt

The fr00b T-shirt Icon #85945 Recently Miiir tried to get a hold in the merchandise sector, its first product was the 'fr00b' T-shirt. The problem was that at the time no one knew what a fr00b was, and needless to say, the shirt was no great success.
This seems to origin from the first, and so far only, shipment ever to arrive on Rubi-Ka, and fashion experts, such as Divenchy, has predicted that these T-shirts would become popular only if they are used by the right people.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 15.9
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Body
Value 1000
Equip time 0.1s
Max health 100
On Equip User Texture Arms 37036  
User Texture Body 258544  
diablo @ 2005-05-18 03:01
dose the value meen the price to sell at a vender if so its rong they sell for 45 cred to a vender..... or dose it mean the average price on the shoping cannels.... just wondering because i have 10 of theseif any wonts to by them off me my main is "electr0" and my alt is "nanosurge" send me a tell if u wont to by one
zyx22 @ 2005-06-07 07:57
its a raw DB value.
Briandmg @ 2009-07-19 10:34
Go froobs! Fr00bs ftw!
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