Ubatobd @ 2004-07-25 23:49
The Beast drops it on inferno. Just be a cute boy and he will give you this ^^
kcko @ 2004-09-21 03:22
And when u dont have any agent to loot it , ask a doc to get it ! Mithrax < Docjane !!
Strupstad @ 2004-09-21 10:30
<3 DJ, h8 mith :p
Keex @ 2004-11-01 17:44
give us 30 agi (like in MA star) or anything...we need everything more than chemistry
Kalidash @ 2005-02-25 05:45
Its not like we need concealment either, got 2400 concealemnt at 215 and then another 30 :(
AlphaCenta @ 2006-05-23 22:55
Don't whine, the 30 rifle mod (AKA: 30 more Attack Rating) is just great! Ditto for the AS mod... :-)
Yakobo66 @ 2006-07-27 19:29
Ubatobd @ 2004-07-25 23:49
The Beast drops it on inferno. Just be a cute boy and he will give you this ^^
you mean pand ;)
Yakobo66 @ 2006-07-27 19:29
Ubatobd @ 2004-07-25 23:49
The Beast drops it on inferno. Just be a cute boy and he will give you this ^^
you mean pand ;)
Yakobo66 @ 2006-07-27 19:29
Tarradax @ 2006-09-26 23:25
So..... Why Chemistry?
Shadow.ik @ 2006-11-23 21:00
If beats drop it...Why is on ao-universe quest to get this?
Also what i cought from it The Game Story ends at Rubi-ka Broken Shores Pyramid after you kill beast ...
When you get there and talk with xxx mob he give you proff star... =/
That's writen on Universe!! http://www.ao-universe.com/main.php?site=knowledge&link=2&id=233
Aberroyc @ 2006-11-27 10:44
Because in the 16.3.0 patch they now made a quest available for people so they don't have to wait forever to get it off the Beast on a raidbot. It still drops from the Beast, but now you have a choice on whether you want to quest for it, or just build up raidpoints.
Ilikebunnies @ 2007-05-07 20:40
Most stars include some random tradeskill, or something of uselessly low value like +150 nano. Although.. normally it makes more sense than chemistry.
wintypes @ 2008-03-26 16:49
it has chemistry because... agents get a chemistry buff too!!! FC Logic reconstructed.
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