Grusummere @ 2005-03-03 20:31
travisnator1 @ 2005-04-03 04:16
if this were every 10 secs it would be good, i hate the recharge on the auras
olezero @ 2005-04-14 08:48
but still 843 health every 20 secs is nice tho
Jharda @ 2005-05-27 08:41
Dude I hate Keeper nanos. The freakin lvl 100 one requires like 700+ Psychological Modifications and Biological Metamorphosis...WTF man...LVL 100!!! My freakin lvl 150 Atrox Keeper is using the lvl 75 one HARDLY!!!!!
pezo89 @ 2005-06-05 14:54
whats with the nano cost and nano skills... everything is darkblue.. why can't they lower it alittle.. damn...
Talan @ 2005-07-05 06:57
I think people misunderstand level locks, just becuase something has level 100 on it doesn't mean you should be self-casting it at that level, it means that now is the time your allowed to twink into it.
123456789 @ 2005-08-07 09:34
Jharda @ 2005-05-27 08:41
Dude I hate Keeper nanos. The freakin lvl 100 one requires like 700+ Psychological Modifications and Biological Metamorphosis...WTF man...LVL 100!!! My freakin lvl 150 Atrox Keeper is using the lvl 75 one HARDLY!!!!!
that just means you suck at twinking and using the loopholes.
like Talan says. it doesnt mean you have to be able to selfcast them.. there's a thing called 'twinking' and 'hi, can i bother you for ci please?'
Olkeep @ 2005-08-11 11:05
No need in twinking to cast keeper's progs. You need only CI and not bad Support Eye, Brain, Ear of max QL u can use. And u need CI only one time per 7h.
olezero @ 2005-08-21 19:09
8h* ;)
omikjam @ 2005-09-18 07:40
4 hours actually ;)
olezero @ 2005-09-21 16:16
CI lasts for 4 hrs, cast it when you get CI, then recast it when CI almost runs out (like one minut left) 7.9 hrs then !! ;P
GS059 @ 2005-09-25 07:10
its also for those stupid enough to make a nano keeper, although it would be good to make one for just team situations for the auras, but not very good if you want to solo anything
olezero @ 2005-09-27 12:38
you can selfcast this at 220 no problem, with the right symb setup, armor.. etc. shouldent be hard, atleast not when lookin at divine sanc :-P
Jeff120 @ 2005-09-30 01:44
you only need that perk that is same is this but all the time so why need this?
karlendo @ 2005-09-30 06:25
because this stacks with the perk heal aura
Jeff120 @ 2005-10-11 00:47
sol can cast this
olezero @ 2005-10-13 10:47
well, when you think of how much it heals totaly (606117 HP) in 4 hrs, its seams like very much! :-) and its not hard to cast, im a 214 soli atm. and i can make the req with mochs and 140 umbral, wts level req tho ;) (got ql300 notum silo in city)
Pongzz @ 2005-10-16 01:18
I can cast that at 217 w/ Phulak & CM easily
Scribbly @ 2005-10-24 03:23
Ahem...1 more thing. There is no lvl 100 nano in this line. o.�
jeff123 @ 2005-10-28 00:43
remove this to doc proffesion it will be come more uber lol
olezero @ 2005-10-30 21:40
hehehe, true Scribbly! pwned Jharda!
Narcotix @ 2005-12-06 15:14
Jeff120 @ 2005-09-30 01:44
you only need that perk that is same is this but all the time so why need this?
.... see what a doc / NT says when ur heal aura perk blocks them casting nanos :)
wtb fix FC !
Ofex @ 2006-01-07 07:17
this rocks :P 843 health every 20 seconds + AoR + blessing heals
pretty nice heals altogether
....... @ 2006-01-28 18:04
a atox can cast this
Awaren @ 2006-06-12 05:16
you dont use AoR... it sucks
Noise_Annoys @ 2006-06-22 23:07
AoR is pretty good, up untill somewhere between 130-150, which is when many start to put perks elsewhere.
Awaren @ 2006-06-25 00:02
AoR only heals 400-450 every 10 sec at perk 10... so it's about a second nano aura which is so annoying for since many times doc's and other can't heal/cast nano on you because the AoR is pulsating
Yakobo66 @ 2006-09-10 15:26
Scribbly @ 2005-10-24 03:23
Ahem...1 more thing. There is no lvl 100 nano in this line. o.�
lvl100 2he buff, look at all the keeper nanos next time ;)
AlphaCenta @ 2006-09-24 15:59
Yakobo.. he said in THIS line ;-) And as far as I know, 2he buffs require PM SI and no BM what Jharda said...
Yakobo66 @ 2006-11-17 14:32
still insane reqs lol which WAS his point :P
Kontio @ 2009-07-22 12:03
mmm have to say, not insane (sol keeper). But Improved versio is Insane. Ill hope you got your Pande key, terminate removes buffs :)
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