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Item Database - Emergency Vector Tap

Emergency Vector Tap Icon #117953 The bodies of everyone in the fixer's team are rapidly encoded into digital form and transferred into the Grid. The haste with which this encoding is done is a massive strain, and will cripple the fixer for a time.
Flags Modified Description, Default Target
Patch 12.5 12.8 14.4.2 15.0.1 15.5.5 18.3.2
QL 146
Crystal Shattered Nano Crystal
NCU 45
Nanocost 814
School Space
Attack time 3s
Recharge time 2s
Range 10 m
Stacking order 45
Attack skills
Matter metamorphosis 34 %
Sensory improvement 33 %
Psychological modifications 33 %
To Use User Psychological modifications >= 674 and
User Sensory improvement >= 674 and
User Matter metamorphosis >= 674 and
User Visual profession == Fixer and
User Inside Shadowlands == 0
On Use Self Set Health 1  
Self Set Current nano 1  
User Cast Crippled by Emergency Vector Tap  
Team Cast Emergency Vector Tap  
Shojumaru @ 2006-01-18 13:18
The Evac of choice when those damn aliums hit too hard.
Anonymous59 @ 2006-03-28 20:34
Yeah, instacasting this rock in a failed raid, whe team is dying ^^
Yakobo66 @ 2006-05-24 22:23
bummer if you have a dot on
Datagutt @ 2006-05-30 14:54
yeah thats what u have hots for
Mr_H8 @ 2006-08-08 05:59
handy for getting out of player cities when you're shopping, or when you've finished an alien raid, or an emergency evac, or out of a mission that's remote, and blah blah so on.
i use this constantly. double hot before you use it and by the tyme you exit the grid you're fully healed ;p
exhaze @ 2006-09-25 14:29
Fixers may be the ones who introduced it, but Cortez is the one who made it famous ;)
Xsonic @ 2006-11-26 10:48
dots are usually faster than long hot. XD
Vladja @ 2007-07-08 21:41
You cannot die in the grid, even with 1HP and a dot on you. Never.
0000 @ 2008-01-19 16:11
Hmm think vladja is right btw.... anyway I agree Cortez ftw
Realuragon @ 2008-02-14 16:05
Once upon a time, roughly back when Yakobo's comment was made, you actually were able to die in the grid.
Binarybot @ 2009-02-26 22:10
Yes, back then, dying in the grid or in a yalmaha meant you would "stick" with a white screen for a few minutes before finally moving to the reclaim. At least thats fixed now.
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