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Item Database - Search Results

Nano formulas
Ambient Renaissance 2 -1 0
Ambient Renaissance 3 -1 0
Ambient Renaissance 4 -1 0
Ambient Renewal -1 1
Ambient Renewal 1 -1 0
Ambient Renewal 2 -1 0
Ambient Renewal 3 -1 0
Ambient Renewal 4 -1 0
Ambient Restoration -1 0
Ambient Restoration -1 1
Ambient Restoration 1 -1 0
Ambient Restoration 2 -1 0
Ambient Restoration 3 -1 0
Ambient Restoration 4 -1 0
Ambient Revitalization -1 0
Ancient Judgement of The Xan -1 1
Ancient Judgement of The Xan -1 1
Ancient Judgement of The Xan -1 1
Ancient Judgement of The Xan -1 1
Ancient Judgement of The Xan -1 1
Anesthetic -1 1
Anima of Fathomless Rage 110 3 410 410 410 met
Anima of Implacable Hatred 156 3 572 572 572 met
Anima of Maddening Wrath 189 4 698 698 698 met
Anima of Pure Malevolence 212 5 781 781 781 met
Anima of Relentless Fury 67 2 252 252 252 met
Anima of The Abomination 239 5 874 874 874 met
Anima of Unleashed Malice 37 2 148 148 148 met
Anima of Unrestrained Ferocity 14 1 58 58 58 met
Antiseptic -1 1
Apprentice Health Haggler 17 6 79 94 tra
Assist Aggression Subsystem 117 12 748 748 748 eng
Assist Combat Array 15 2 102 102 102 eng
Augment Agility 4 2 25 22
Augment Intelligence 4 2 25 22
Augment Psychic 4 2 25 22
Augment Sense 4 2 25 22
Augment Stamina 4 2 25 22
Augment Strength 4 2 25 22
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of the Immortal -1 1
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