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Character Database

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Person: Level: ..
Guild: Online?
Last update: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 06:18:09 +0000
Light background: data changed in latest update - Bold: currently online
(online status only available for level 200+ characters on Atlantean)
Character listing
# Name Profession Breed Gender Level AI Faction RK Guild Rank
101 Lexand1 Enforcer Atrox Neuter 215 17 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
102 Igoincutchu Enforcer Atrox Neuter 214 19 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
103 Carzyjay Enforcer Atrox Neuter 214 17 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
104 Norn Doctor Solitus Female 213 17 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
105 Misior-1 Doctor Nano Male 213 11 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
106 Sithis Shade Opifex Male 212 25 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
107 Darkervision Nano-Technician Nano Male 212 18 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
108 Puffelina Fixer Opifex Female 212 14 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
109 Shopsparrow Trader Solitus Male 211 23 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Leader
110 Aesop Fixer Opifex Female 211 19 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
111 Dartsdaddy Engineer Nano Male 211 16 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
112 Elisiss Soldier Solitus Female 211 16 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
113 Tracalyn Adventurer Solitus Female 211 16 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
114 Quadcore Engineer Solitus Male 211 7 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
115 Cptcasualty Adventurer Atrox Neuter 210 14 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
116 Hertza2 Adventurer Solitus Female 210 14 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
117 Ozelmp Meta-Physicist Nano Male 210 13 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
118 Malosnurse Doctor Solitus Female 210 12 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
119 Skyforged1 Doctor Atrox Neuter 210 12 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
120 Stefan Meta-Physicist Nano Male 210 11 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
121 Taeglen Enforcer Atrox Neuter 210 11 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
122 Hunden-1 Fixer Opifex Male 210 10 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
123 Osker Martial Artist Opifex Male 210 10 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
124 Sabrinurse Doctor Solitus Female 210 10 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Commander
125 Xamio Keeper Atrox Neuter 210 9 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
126 Fantric Bureaucrat Nano Male 210 7 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
127 Quickbugger Fixer Opifex Male 209 12 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
128 Engyluna Engineer Solitus Female 209 11 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
129 Puki Bureaucrat Solitus Female 208 21 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
130 Inery Engineer Atrox Neuter 207 20 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Commander
131 Diomatrix Fixer Opifex Female 207 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
132 Xatrix-1 Bureaucrat Solitus Female 207 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
133 Maloshroom Shade Opifex Male 206 16 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
134 Violattor Soldier Solitus Male 206 12 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
135 Midgets Agent Opifex Male 206 10 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
136 Cerpintax Keeper Solitus Male 206 9 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
137 Britishtrade Trader Opifex Male 206 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
138 Charity Doctor Solitus Female 205 14 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
139 Tamika Bureaucrat Nano Female 205 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
140 Cookiemonstr Doctor Nano Male 204 11 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
141 Pedimetrus Fixer Opifex Female 204 11 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
142 Stormlord Nano-Technician Nano Male 204 8 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
143 Gulinski Fixer Solitus Male 203 12 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
144 Anonym Trader Solitus Male 203 10 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
145 Shadowtag-1 Shade Opifex Female 203 10 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
146 Ucha Bureaucrat Solitus Male 203 8 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
147 Wowest Soldier Atrox Neuter 203 8 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
148 Cptcarnage Enforcer Atrox Neuter 203 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
149 Ninjagent-1 Agent Opifex Female 203 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
150 Ntericom Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
151 Xkaillier Fixer Solitus Male 202 14 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Commander
152 Sinexia Trader Nano Female 202 9 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
153 Drtrilska Doctor Nano Female 202 7 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
154 Onaya-1 Fixer Opifex Female 202 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
155 Samertua Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
156 Kergz Enforcer Atrox Neuter 201 27 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
157 Northfix Fixer Opifex Male 201 11 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
158 Tetsuri Keeper Atrox Neuter 200 30 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
159 Solitrox Soldier Atrox Neuter 200 8 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
160 Villainy Meta-Physicist Nano Female 200 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
161 Danial Enforcer Atrox Neuter 200 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Commander
162 Daniial Trader Nano Male 200 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
163 Explosionz Nano-Technician Nano Female 200 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
164 Jessa Meta-Physicist Nano Female 200 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Leader
165 Mechdonolds Engineer Solitus Male 200 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
166 Mediivak Doctor Solitus Female 200 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
167 Minirey Agent Nano Male 200 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
168 Leijka Fixer Opifex Female 198 22 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
169 Xplicious Bureaucrat Solitus Female 198 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
170 Metamolly Meta-Physicist Solitus Female 197 10 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
171 Drassain Agent Opifex Male 197 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
172 Machine89-1 Martial Artist Opifex Male 197 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
173 Buutters Martial Artist Opifex Female 196 10 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
174 Stonehunter Adventurer Solitus Male 195 8 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
175 Leukarlung Martial Artist Opifex Male 194 10 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
176 Methadik Agent Opifex Male 193 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
177 Jadefists Martial Artist Opifex Male 192 7 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
178 Bigbadagen-1 Agent Atrox Neuter 192 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
179 Morvys Trader Nano Male 190 15 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
180 Flatichan Martial Artist Opifex Female 189 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
181 Elifixi Fixer Opifex Female 185 22 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
182 Lliellin Doctor Solitus Female 185 13 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
183 Alfenforcer Enforcer Atrox Neuter 185 10 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
184 Snugglebum Soldier Atrox Neuter 185 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
185 Thundathighs Doctor Solitus Female 184 12 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
186 Udiesoon Keeper Solitus Male 184 8 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
187 Duhenfo Enforcer Atrox Neuter 183 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
188 Stacko Enforcer Atrox Neuter 183 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
189 Lesix Adventurer Solitus Male 181 22 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
190 Samalander Adventurer Opifex Male 181 7 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
191 Denarobe Meta-Physicist Nano Male 181 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
192 Discouraged Adventurer Opifex Female 180 11 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
193 Tanic Adventurer Atrox Neuter 180 9 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Commander
194 Thehit6 Enforcer Atrox Neuter 180 9 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
195 Phyick-1 Enforcer Atrox Neuter 180 7 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
196 Elgrandi Adventurer Opifex Male 180 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
197 Ownedjoo Trader Atrox Neuter 179 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
198 Aerizaal Fixer Opifex Female 178 11 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
199 Deemon Bureaucrat Nano Female 178 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
200 Algemar Meta-Physicist Nano Male 177 8 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Leader
