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Item Database - Shattered Nano Crystal

Shattered Nano Crystal This Nano Crystal is completely broken and you can not repair it.
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Patch 11.0 12.5 13.2 18.8.53
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Nikkoli @ 2004-10-21 21:21
This is one of the "unbreakable" debuffs. This is the kind you want to be casting on the main target.
shinracorp @ 2006-01-20 03:31
best friend at lower lvls. get this one asap. should be a mainstay of ur doc arsenal.
Faynt @ 2006-03-29 21:40
erm, am i the only one who has extreme difficulty in rolling this nano?
Xsonic @ 2006-04-02 10:32
if u cant roll the nano atm,. try 1 hour later.
copperneedle @ 2008-01-07 06:26
+3 hrs rolling for this, ~670k in pulling mishes and still no hit. Only x2 in GMS 14m and 15m on the price.

That would suggest to me this is not rollable, not to mention nobody above gave a yes or no answer...
"if u cant roll the nano atm,. try 1 hour later." sarcasm?

Anyone care to say if this is actually rollable?
Benylin @ 2008-04-07 04:35
Rolled it on a lvl 166 mission search as the reward item.
Feanaro @ 2011-11-01 20:19
Its breakable debuff
Feanaro @ 2011-11-01 20:39
@Feanaro me wrong, sorry
Vladja @ 2018-07-23 12:12
This nano is no longer rollable, but instead bought with VP's. It's not nodrop, so froobs can still use it.
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