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Item Database - Ol' Faithful

Ol' Faithful Icon #39812 This powerful projectile inflicts 594-611 points of projectile-based damage and is particularly difficult to resist.
Flags Item Texture Override
Patch 11.0 14.4.2 15.0.1 15.5.5
QL 96
Crystal Nano Crystal (Ol' Faithful)
NCU 30
Nanocost 197
School Combat
Attack time 4s
Recharge time 2.89s
Range 25 m
Stacking order 30
Defense skills
Nano resist 60 %
Attack skills
Matter creation 100 %
To Use User Matter creation >= 456 and
User Visual profession == Nano-Technician
On Use Target Hit Health Projectile -594 .. -611  
Fluke @ 2005-07-17 07:31
Very nice as it allways lands and has steady dmg.
Moniker @ 2005-11-22 00:57
agreed, suprisingly nice nuke
polluct @ 2006-01-07 08:47
selling it on rk3-dnw tell isarcard
RuinedAngel @ 2006-02-27 09:55
djedj @ 2006-03-07 11:47
it's buyable in profession nanos booth
bartje @ 2006-03-10 10:44
yeey i love it =D
Veduci @ 2006-08-02 02:28
This kind of nukes with high minimal dmg is the best...
picsl2 @ 2006-10-24 04:41
too bad the recharge time isnt something like 1s, i would actually chain this if it was! :p
rattjamann @ 2006-11-18 00:51
get 600 Nano C init and insta cast =D that's nice
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