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Item Database - Sanity Recovery Medication

Sanity Recovery Medication Icon #20187 These pills use the same chemical reactions brought about while dreaming to aid in the bodies recovery processes. The user will recieve a small amount of healing for the duration of their effect.
Flags Visible, Use Empty Destruct, Has Energy
Can Carry, Use, Eat, Stackable
Patch 17.9 18.8.53
Change QL:
Range 3 m
Clip 10 - 0
Mass 0.01kg
To Use User First aid >= 300
On Activate Self AddSkill First aid 3  
On Use User Graphics Effect #43017  
User Lock First aid 20s  
Chat Text Your mind helps your body recover.  
User Cast Recovering Sanity  
Satertek @ 2008-10-09 04:34
Hmm, handy.
Vigos @ 2010-12-26 23:50
Wow... locks First Aid for only 20s. But the effect lasts 3m 20s :D Thats 1040-2560 HoT :) BUT after 20s you can use other Kits and stims to add to your (self) HoT like... Revitalizing Serum. Which is WAY better then First Aid Kits of equal ql, and requires less First Aid skill. A ql200 Simple First Aid kit heals for 1k but locks First Aid for 40s. Revitalizing Serum of the same ql heals for 200-400 but locks First Aid for only 10s. So you'd be able to heal 800-1600 within the same amount of time as the kit. Add Sanity Recovery Medication = great soloing or in a team/raid setting less stress on the healer :D
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