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Item Database - Broken Xan Prayer Urn

Broken Xan Prayer Urn Icon #265351 This is a roughly carved but strangely beautiful Urn. It almost appears as if it were made by a child's hands. It has all the energy and playfulness of youthful exuberance. Yet it also bears intricate and clear carvings that show great artistic talent.
Jobe archaeologist Dr. Hestiya believes that it was a prayer urn, used for transporting water that had been used in religious ceremonies.
However, the urn has a large crack that runs down its entire length. If you are careful with it, there might be a chance of repairing it.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Unique, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry
Patch 17.0
Change QL:
Value 1
Mass 0kg
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